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Author: Samantha Mandeles

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Samantha Mandeles

This past Sunday, March 14, 2021, marked the 2021 Grammys award ceremony. Usually, I pay exactly zero attention to celebrity awards shows, but this year's event deserves a mention. After a year marked by ever-increasing anti-Semitic incidents and the continued normalization of leftist Jew-hate, the Recording Academy decided that what the show really needed was a special performance by disgraced former Women's March leader, Louis Farrakhan-supporter, and (as far as I can tell) non-musician Tamika Mallory.

The saga continues: California's Department of Education has released yet another iteration of its neo-Marxist-inspired, Critical Theory-based Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum for public schools. Even after five years of work (and who knows how much money) the latest (fourth!) version of the ESMC—to be voted on next week—has managed, somehow, to be worse than the last.

Over the years, Legal Insurrection has covered Tufts University and its many controversies time and time again. This time, Tufts' radical anti-Israel student group, Students for Justice in Palestine, may have outdone them all— with its jaw-dropping, months-long campaign to rid Tufts student government of an elected officer for the simple fact of his Jewish Zionist identity.

As the spring 2021 college semester unfolds, universities around the country have organized events to commemorate Black History Month (rightly so). But at Northeastern University, a new "intersectional" student group took the opportunity to host radical anti-Israel activist Angela Davis, known for her frequent calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Professor Marc Lamont Hill is an influential and high-profile leader of two movements: The Black Lives Matter movement and the anti-Israel movement. The "intersectional" hijacking and crossover of domestic movements in the anti-Israel cause is something we have covered for years. Lamont Hill just admitted what we all knew, but some people deny: one of the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement is the destruction of Israel.

The California public school and university systems have seen their fair share of controversy—from outrage at the Islamist Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) involvement in a San Diego "anti-bullying" program to blowback against the Burbank Unified School District's practice of temporarily discontinuing the teaching of classic books. Now, the state's Department of Education is back in the hot-seat as its much-reviled "Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) " has once again made headlines for its reliance on the neo-Marxist (so-called) academic discipline known as "Critical Ethnic Studies."

The Northeastern University branch of Students for Justice In Palestine recently held an event glorifying the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist-Leninist organization designated by the U.S. goverment as a foreign terrorist group. The PFLP committed some of the most infamous and deadly attacks targeting Israel and Jews. As described below, after a backlash SJP doubled down..

The Tufts University chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has proven itself to be one of the strongest advocates of "Deadly Exchange," a false campaign started by anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace, claiming that Israel and American Jewish groups are responsible for alleged unlawful police violence in the U.S. against minority communities. Tufts SJP reframed this campaign by claiming Israel directly threatens the "safety" of students by "militarizing" and training American campus police to be racist.

Groucho Marx once famously quipped, "If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again." Reverend Raphael Warnock—senior pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta (where MLK Jr. and Sr. served as co-pastors) and Democratic candidate for Senate—seems to have adopted Groucho's joke as a personal mantra: like Yasser Arafat, Ilhan Omar, Linda Sarsour, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, The New York Times, and many others before him, Warnock has attempted to rewrite history, claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was "Palestinian."

We have covered the radical Islamist group American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) extensively, especially as the group has increasingly framed its anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism as expressions of 'intersectional' social justice activism. In 2020, AMP has yet again used its largest annual event—the "Palestine Conference"—to hijack and foment existing racial tensions as a political warfare weapon against Israel.

As regular readers doubtlessly know, the 2018 midterm elections presented Americans with a new phenomenon in the form of the congressional "Squad": several avowedly anti-Israel (and often Islamist-allied) first-term U.S. Representatives. Now, as the smoke from #Election2020 begins to dissipate, it seems that (spoiler alert) The Squad's congressional anti-Zionist cabal is about to get a little bigger.

It's no secret that the Black Lives Matter movement and its co-founder (and self-identified "Marxist") Patrisse Cullors has long accused American capitalism of being fundamentally, systemically racist and "wiping out entire communities"; these assertions are core tenets of multiple official Black Lives Matter organizations. But that hasn't stopped Cullors from signing a big contract with a major purveyor of BLM-reviled corporate consumerism: Warner Bros Television.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—darling of the far-left and heroine of the anti-Israel lobby—recently canceled an appearance sponsored by far left 'pro-Israel' groups, and reportedly is avoiding meeting with mainstream Jewish groups. In this post, I go over the background of how we got here.