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Author: Stacey Matthews

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Stacey Matthews

Based in North Carolina, Stacey Matthews is a former liberal and a 16+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars.

As we've previously documented, if it's a day ending in "y," it's also one where mainstream media reporters are going to take a Republican out of context and spread fake news stories about them because of narratives and Orange Man Bad. The most recent example of this happening was Thursday during the daily White House press briefing. The issue of whether or not public schools should fully reopen has been a hot topic of much discussion in recent days. President Trump has pushed for in-person school attendance while some governors are opting for a combination of either in-person schooling and remote/online learning, or remote instruction only.

It's official: Human resources departments have become the latest front in the left's identity politics culture wars. Dr. Karlyn Borysenko, a liberal who was mugged by reality in February after she attended a Trump campaign rally in New Hampshire, first reported a few weeks ago that the City of Seattle was holding a training session on “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness:"

Mainstream media reporters are fond of lavishing praise on and treating with reverence any prominent Republican (or former Republican) who declares themselves to be a part of the #NeverTrump coalition. Words like "principled" and "courageous" are often tossed around when describing the work the #NeverTrump leaders in the "Lincoln Project" PAC are doing in allegedly exposing President Trump as an inauthentic conservative.

In 1995, Nikole Hannah-Jones, the founder of the New York Times's revisionist American history "1619 Project", wrote to the editor of Notre Dame’s student newspaper, The Observer. She alleged that white people "pump drugs and guns into the black community, pack black people into the squalor of segregated urban ghettos and continue to be bloodsuckers in our community."

Trying to agitate law enforcement officers into verbal and physical confrontations so they can yell "assault!" while cameras are rolling is one of the oldest tricks in the book for organized left-wing rage mobs. But in the protests that started in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, we're seeing a variation on that tactic that involves white leftist agitators attempting to lecture and/or shame black police officers on racism - and in some instances using the n-word to do so.

As the calls from left-wing activists to "defund the police" have grown in the two weeks since the death of George Floyd, so, too, have the explainers from the MSM on how "defunding the police" is supposedly not about getting rid of police departments altogether but instead is about partially shifting some police funding into local communities.

While Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) has described the six-block “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) in the city as being "more like a block party" with the potential to turn into a "summer of love" than an "armed takeover" or "military junta," Seattle's police chief is painting a much different and far more troubling picture of what's happening when news cameras aren't rolling.