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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Democrats are still reeling from their historic electoral losses during the Obama era, particularly the loss of the White House in 2016.  They now appear to be increasingly coalescing behind single-payer as part of their "get back in power" strategy. Socialist senator and failed Democrat presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) peddled his inconceivably expensive "Medicare for all" throughout the 2016 presidential primaries.  Sanders himself refuses to address pesky questions about the cost or real-world viability of his socialist pipe-dream, but that hasn't stopped Democrats from seizing on the idea.

As America endures an era of seeming wide-spread division, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma remind us that Americans are good people at heart and that we are not fettered by the identity politics that poison the left. In Florida, a woman desperate to obtain a generator to keep powered her father's life-maintaining oxygen drove 30 miles.  She was standing in line, next to purchase the coveted generators, when it was announced that the store was sold out. She broke down in tears, knowing that without a generator for power, her father might die.  A man ahead of her in line insisted that she take his generator, stating that "she needed it more."

Eric Bolling, Sr. was, as we recently noted, dropped from the Fox News network. Tragically, his 19-year-old son has been found dead, presumably a suicide. TMZ reports:
The son of former Fox News Channel anchor Eric Bolling has committed suicide, TMZ reports. Sources told the website that 19-year-old Eric Chase Bolling, Jr., took his life Friday night. The news comes just one day after FNC announced the network had “parted ways” with Bolling amid allegations that he had sent lewd photos to co-workers.
We don't yet know what prompted this young man to end his life.  Eric, Jr. was the only child of Eric Bolling, Sr. and his wife Adrienne.

It's hard to be shocked these days by the tactics of the anti-Trump, anti-America "resistance" and its campus lackeys, but this blatant, intentional misrepresentation of a conservative organization by leftists on campus is appalling. Young America's Foundation was notified by administrators at George Washington University that fliers were being distributed on campus that egregiously misrepresent the YAF. YAF reports:
Administrators at The George Washington University notified GW YAF that shameful fliers had been posted on campus, made to look as though they were part of a GW YAF activism project. Of course, these ridiculous posters that attempt to paint all conservatives with a broad brush of racist xenophobia have no connection to GW YAF, and are just the latest attempt by disgruntled leftists to slow the advancement of conservative ideas at GW.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) SPLC has repeatedly listed a great many mainstream, right-leaning, and/or conservative groups and persons as "hate groups."  So indiscriminate are they in their listings that they have been forced to retract "hate group" claims when called upon to provide evidence or to defend its categorization. The SPLC has been making news lately in relation to its being touted as an "authority" on "hate groups."  SPLC lists are being used not only by unbalanced people who believe the lists and then go on a rampage but as a means of internet censorship and even massive, unscrupulous fundraising in the wake of Charlottesville. In a 2007 interview, a former SPLC spokesman proudly boasted that the goal of SPLC, its "aim in life," is to "destroy these groups, completely destroy them."

North Korea has successfully tested a nuke and may have triggered an earthquake.  World leaders are reacting this morning. Fox News reports:

North Korea said on Sunday it detonated a hydrogen bomb, possibly triggering an artificial earthquake and prompting immediate condemnation from its neighbors -- despite the rogue regime calling the test a "perfect success."

In a puzzling move, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced last month that the Department of Justice would be ramping up asset forfeiture. Mary wrote at the time:
Civil forfeiture remains a controversial issue in America since it’s “a process by which the government can take and sell your property without ever convicting, or even charging, you with a crime.” The procedures are civil, which means defendants do not receive the same protections given to criminal defendants. It’s one of the few issues that garners bipartisan support.
That bipartisan support is now even more evident as Congress moves to defund asset forfeiture.

NATO ally Turkey seems to be going out of its way to tweak German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  Last month, Turkey arrested, among others, a German citizen, and Merkel called the move "unacceptable." Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to have been unimpressed because his government just arrested two more Germans.  Merkel has now declared that "decisive action" must be taken.  She does not specify what action she means, though she does threaten to "rethink" Germany's relations with Turkey.

One of things that used to flummox me about the left is their sophomoric insistence on "all or nothing." Children love the false dichotomy: either you buy me this iPhone, prom dress, car, or you hate me and wish I'd never been born. For Democrats and the left, this puerile insistence that there are only two answers (theirs and the wrong, wildly-extreme answer) manifests as, for example, you're either against President Trump or you're a white supremacist/Nazi/etc. This all-or-nothing fallacy is at the root of the outrage concerning a Politico cartoon about Texans and Hurricane Harvey.

Asserting that they are "answering a call to confront and dismantle the white supremacist agenda in every community," a coalition of leftist groups is embarking on a 10-day march from Charlottesville to Washington D. C. Among their demands is the removal of President Trump from office and unspecified means of "confronting white supremacy throughout our history."  They also demand "an agenda that repairs the damage it's done to our country and its people." The Hill reports:
Activists are set to start a 10-day march from Charlottesville, Va., to Washington, D.C., on Monday to confront white supremacy and demand President Trump's removal from office.

Having lost most of their political power, Democrats are desperately wielding their not inconsiderable social and cultural power. From colleges and universities to statues and flags, the regressive left is demonstrating an alarming anti-American sentiment that threatens to undermine not just our nation's history but its very fabric. Case in point: Californian leaders, including House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D), have adamantly opposed a rally organized by the Patriot Prayer group on the grounds that it is "alt right" and "white supremacist."  The problem, however, is that of the speakers scheduled to speak, only one was white.  Indeed, the group's leader is neither white nor "alt right."

The mainstream media is at again: walking their well-worn propagandist path between fact and a fiction they hope seeps into public consciousness.  This time the target is Texas lawmakers who are requesting federal aid in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. The intent is to paint Republican lawmakers as "hypocrites" because they voted against the hideously pork-laden Hurricane Sandy relief package, yet are now requesting federal aid. As a quick reminder, the Sandy aid package included taxpayer money earmarked for Alaska fisheries, Amtrak "expenses," new vehicles for assorted federal agencies, and a range of other pork projects completely unrelated to the hurricane.

President Trump would like to end Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  This was one of his primary campaign promises, but he is facing opposition from both Democrats and among the GOP. ABC News reports:
President Donald Trump is leaning toward ending a U.S. immigration policy the Obama administration started for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, according to multiple sources. The president's decision on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, could be announced as early as next week, one source said.