Journalist: “Race and Class . . . Most Significant Aspects” of Hurricane Harvey
Really? We thought it was the devastation.

And here we thought that saving lives and rebuilding a devastated area should be the focus . . . Proving that when you wield an anti-racism hammer, everything looks like a nail, a guest on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show this morning declared that “race and class . . are the most significant aspects of this particular hurricane.”
The guest in question, Charles D. Ellison, is the Washington correspondent of The Philadelphia Tribune, and hosts a show on WURD, an African-American owned radio station in Philly.
Ellison began by lamenting the failure of the mainstream narrative about the hurricane to note the “intersecting” issues of race and class. Bonus “woke” points for alluding to intersectionality!
AL SHARPTON: Lots of talk this past week about getting billions of dollars of aid to hurricane victims, but are resources and donations getting to the communities most in need. And do race and class play a role in the storm’s aftermath?
Want to bring in Charles D. Ellison, radio host of “Reality Check” on WURD and and Brentin Mock, staff writer with City Lab. Charles, we’ve seen situations too often where a lot of reaction, billions raised, and then we hear not long after it did not get to the people that need it. Where are these concerns in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and how do we safeguard against what we’ve seen, at least alleged, in other locations.
CHARLES D. ELLISON: Thanks for having me on, Reverend, good morning. The intersecting issues of race and class aren’t really being discussed that much, really if at all, in the mainstream narrative. And so, right now the focus is obviously one of recovery. Primarily that conversation centers on the assumption that everyone in the Houston area is a middle-class home owner, and that’s just not the case. We have a city that has a 30% poverty rate. Over 40% of the population actually rents. It doesn’t own a home. And that population is disproportionately black, and also brown. So we’re going to have to have a difficult, very uncomfortable, but very necessary conversation about race and class, which are the most significant aspects of this particular hurricane, particularly in the aftermath of it and as we head into recovery.
Note: you can view the longer version of segment, as transcribed above, here.

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wouldn’t it have been more honest if they just would have put a talking parrot on their show?
they did.
The are correct about billions being raised and not getting to the people. That is what happened in Haiti with the Clinton foundation.
Idiots gotta id.
Race baiters gotta bait…
WURD? Looks like a spelling error to me.
Ebonics from another race-baiting a-hole, don’t you know?
Well, without race and class, clowns like Ellison would be out of business. As a matter of fact, the entire political and cultural Left would be out of business.
People are becoming fully numb to cries of racism and race as a cause of things. And an activist who appropriates the label of “journalist” and who pontificate out of ignorance from a distance without ever stepping foot in SE Texas only devalues that cry further.
Intersectionality, the buzzword of the century.
Closely followed by “problematic”.
Well it worked so well in Katrina let’s try it on Harvey.
Sounds like he thinks the hurricane picked the poor people’s homes it flooded. One long, on-going plan of white people colluding with natural disasters against minorities. What’s discouraging is this should be laughed at and never taken seriously. But just like so many other things in the past, now we have to take people like him seriously or we’re racist.
The Donald Trump controlled racist weather machine has decided to single out the poor again. Not just any poor, but the black and brown poor. The ones which the evil oil companies and other major corporate exploiters chose to grind under the heels of their jackboots.
Fact free and loving it as a race hustler
Here is the root of the problem: “It doesn’t own a home.” The socialist mind deals with abstractions, it, not they, not actual living human beings.
Perhaps a thermonuclear device five times the size of the Hiroshima device detonating overhead would clear their thinking, sharpen their focus.
Philadelphia would be a tempting target, but America could get lucky in that the only place the North Korean mad man was successful was Berkely and its Antifa.
40% of the population rents, renter’s insurance is cheap, they’re better off than the homeowners without flood insurance.
Some people prefer to rent since it gives them greater flexibility to move and they don’t have to worry about maintenance issues. If I was a newcomer to Houston, I would be renting somewhere near my workplace.
Even if you rented a house, your losses are limited and your major worry is finding another place. The owner of the property has to pay off any debt, clean up what’s left behind and rebuild the place.
Just like Katrina was all about New Orleans, this storm is becoming all about Houston.
The journalists seem to forget that MS, AL, FL, many other parts of LA and many other states were also impacted by Katrina. Although not hit by Katrina winds and water, Texas was impacted by the thousands who took refuge in the state.
RE Harvey, Texas was hit from Corpus Christi to the LA border. LA is certainly being impacted. The rains went up through many other states.
Houston is a huge liberal enclave, thus all of the media attention. Meanwhile, Corpus Christie and the other devastated areas are relegated to flyover status. If Austin was flooded, they would be receiving the lion’s share of the pressitutes attention.
Katrina impacted the SE Florida Gold Coast, a major urban area having a population of 6 million people. There were widespread power outages, no water, no gasoline and no additional food [largely due to the power outages. The storm, still a cat 3 exited the state along the SW coast and proceeded northward. The Pensacola area was hit quite hard by the storm resulting in ~$100 million in direct damages. Total direct monetary damages from the storm were ~$623 million dollars and there were 14 deaths attributed to the storm in Florida. Yet, the national news pretty much ignored Florida in favor of New Orleans. They also ignored Florida two months later when Wilma, another cat 3 hurricane, traversed the same area of South Florida, from west to east. This visit resulted in even worse problems than were experienced in Katrina and the total tab for Florida damages was ~$16.8 billion. Again crickets were all that was heard from the national media.
The reason why the news media loves floods, over wind danage, is because of the expanded time frame for “humanitarian” coverage. Floods, those due to slowly rising water, are usually slow events. They take days to occur and then additional time to recede. This produces days, or weeks of coverage of reported “rescues”, with little risk to those covering the event. Windstorms, on the other hand, occur quickly, a matter of hours at the most. And, there is significant risk to the journalist covering the event live. Also, there is almost no opportunity to report on “rescues”. And, while aerial views of large ares of standing water surrounding homes has impact, you can only get so much traction out of a pile of sticks which used to be a house.
It’s not just the physical presence of Katrina refugees that impacted Texas. It’s also their votes. Something like 50,000 blacks moved from New Orleans to Houston, and they’re nearly all Democrat voters. That turned Houston from slightly Republican to strongly Democrat, and is a large enough number to meaningfully impact otherwise close statewide elections.
Intersectionality is taught in the universities. They didn’t invent this bullshit on their own.
Wasn’t it taught in drivers ed classes?
Obviously, all that flooding was just a silly rumor…
Intersectionality is a euphemism. What it means is to make sure that in any newsworthy event, every possible liberal pet issue gets drawn into it. It’s about efficiency in propaganda.
Absolutely disgusting, especially the criminal Al Sharpton, who is responsible for destroying the career of a Dutchess County Asst. DA in the Tawana Browley case back in the 80s.
I do not believe he has ever paid a dime as the case settlement required.
My house is above the 500 year flood plane, but I was still very worried about flooding because my neighbor is black. Neither of us flooded, and I thought it was because of the white neighbors on either side of him. But flood waters devastated a neighborhood of mostly white folks just to get to a rental property where I have an Hispanic renter. So the SJW’s will have to provide a clearer scientific explanation of the racism of flood waters for me to ‘get it.’
Journalism and the word “class” don’t mix. Surely when the likes of Ellison’s input is sought.
Surely, Reverend Al, you remember Haiti? Your pals Bill and Hillary C. mobilized to save the millions of souls whose lives were ruined in the earthquake. They said they’d fix everything!
I can’t believe you don’t remember how they gave every cent to the poor. They directed their high-powered friends to work non-stop to empower Haitian businessmen. They helped you mobilize your business, um church, to go down there and save lives and build homes.
Now, when you drive around Port-au-Prince today and see the clean streets, the nice new houses, schools and hospitals everywhere in this newly thriving city, you must give the (white) Clintons credit for all they have done. Maybe you should ask them to reprise their act in Texas? They know what to do with donations, right?
Imagine how much money would be funneled from the relief efforts to the still operative Clinton Foundation if Killary would have won.
It is a large miracle that Trump won the 2016 election.
Race/color, multiplicity, sex, social status, wealth, etc. are elements of class.
Class diversitists, including people who judge others by the “color of their skin”, selectively (i.e. Pro-Choice), deny individual dignity. They are the neo-Nazis.
About a week or so ago, at the time of the eclipse, there was a serious article whining that the eclipse was essentially a racist event because the phenomenon largely bypassed places in the U.S. where the majority of blacks live. It was not an exercise in facetiousness. I don’t think the ludicrousness of that claim can be beaten.
“Race and class” are the most significant aspect in EVERYTHING with these jackasses.
Actually the area inside of Houston city limits most prone to flood damage is Meyerland which lies along Braes Bayou. Though racially & enthnically diverse it is still mostly white and the center of Houston’s Jewish community. On a percentage basis Jews, not blacks or browns, were likely the hardest hit by Harvey.
Two months ago, Harvey would have been linked to “Trump’s collusion with the Russians,” but that’s already passé. I’m sure the climate warmists are tearing their hair out over how the race baiters have co-opted their hurricane.
Definitely what you wouldn’t have heard:
AL SHARPTON: Is race and class playing a role in the storm’s aftermath?
I want to bring in Charles D. Ellison, radio host of “Reality Check” on WURD. Charles, what about it?
CHARLES D. ELLISON: No Al, race and class had nothing to do with the hurricane, its aftermath, or the relief efforts.
AL SHARPTON: Thank you, Charles. And there you have it.
Harvey just sounds like a racist dripping in whiteness
I remember when he was a shadowy figure of a bunny….obviously appropriation of minorities.
Was Harvey a 6’3 1/2″ tall white rabbit?
this moron doesn’t know enough to ask a question or look at a map. River Oaks, one of the most EXPENSIVE areas of Houston was flooded, as was Memorial, then west Houston is very expensive houses. So tell me again it was all poor people. I know they are least equipped to handle it and people are stepping up to help them.