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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

In many ways, former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick (D) was Obama before Obama was Obama.  Patrick was elected the first black governor of Massachusetts in 2006, and his entire campaign was based on the same nebulous "change" mantra that would sweep then-Senator Obama into the White House two years later.
At his first inauguration under uncommonly fair skies in January 2007, the man who a year earlier had been dismissed as a hopeless romantic with no chance of victory carried with him limitless hope for the future — for better schools, fairer housing, racial healing. “It’s time for a change,” Patrick declared, “and we are that change.”
Sound like Obama's "we are the change we've been waiting for"?  That's no mistake.

Venezuela has been in a state of unrest and seemingly near collapse for years, and it's not clear how much longer Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro can hang onto power.  Food, medicine, and toilet paper shortages resulting from Maduro's socialist policies have created unrest among many Venezuelans.  Anti-Maduro protests and the responses from the Maduro government have resulted in over 100 deaths. One small group of military men staged an uprising at a military base that was quickly quashed by Maduro loyalists.  The group's goal, they stated, was to "restore constitutional order." The Maduro government is calling the uprising a "terrorist attack."  Reports indicate that one person died, another was badly wounded, and seven were arrested.

When former President Bill Clinton met with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch at an Arizona airport, the gross impropriety of the "tarmac summit" was immediately evident.  Clinton's wife and 2016 Democrat presidential hopeful was then under FBI investigation for her server and email scandals.  The impropriety was pooh-poohed away by a defensive AG, a disinterested media, a complicit FBI, and the corrupt Clinton clan. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has released 413 pages of memos obtained from the DOJ that show the "tarmac summit" was planned and that the media was working with the Obama-Lynch DOJ to downplay and bury the entire incident.

Earlier this year, I wrote about the UAW's unionization efforts at the Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi.  Casting Nissan as the villain, failed presidential candidate and current socialist Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders is stepping up his pressure on Nissan and its workers at the Canton plant. Nissan's Canton plant employees are voting on whether or not to unionize on Thursday and Friday. ABC News reports:
Workers at Nissan Motor Co.'s Mississippi assembly plant voted Thursday to decide whether to be represented by the United Auto Workers union.

JK Rowling found herself in the midst of a Twitter storm after retweeting a partial video that misrepresented President Trump's interaction with a boy in a wheelchair.   Rowling, however, didn't stop at a mere retweet, she went on a six tweet tirade against the president. She's now apologized, not to the President whom she wrongfully accused, but to the boy to whom the president paid special attention and to the boy's family.  She has also deleted the original, misguided tweets.

The IRS seems to be in a constant state of administrative shambles.  Former IRS employees fired for falsifying documents, illegally accessing taxpayer information, and a range of other conduct, ethics, and legal issues are being rehired by the same agency that fired them.  This rehiring reportedly occurs despite flags and notes on the former-employee's personnel file. The IRS claims that it's too "cost prohibitive" to verify that the employees they hire had not already been fired by the agency. You can't make this stuff up.

Sergio Jose Martinez, a 31-year-old illegal alien, has a criminal record and has been deported 20 times.  Portland, Oregon, however, prides itself on its "sanctuary city" policy, and Martinez was released into Portland despite a 2016 ICE detainer. Martinez then broke into a 65-year-old woman's home, brutally raped and assaulted her, and stole her vehicle.  Before being caught by police, he allegedly assaulted another woman. KGW reports:
A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman's home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police. Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.

In yet another example of the anti-Trump contingent creating and spreading misleading stories about President Trump, J. K. Rowling has gone on a Twitter tirade about a video that shows Trump supposedly ignoring a child in a wheelchair. What the now-viral video fails to show is that at the beginning of this event, Trump entered the room and as he moved toward the podium, he stopped specifically to speak to and to shake hands with the little boy in question.

A 26-year-old "Palestinian" refugee entered a supermarket in Hamburg, Germany and stabbed one man to death while shouting "Allahu Akbar."  As he attempted to flee the scene, he stabbed several other persons.  The exact number is not yet clear and reports range from three to six people wounded. Fox News reports:
A knife-wielding man reportedly screamed "Allahu Akbar" during a wild attack inside a Hamburg supermarket that killed at least one person and left four others bloodied and wounded on Friday. German police arrested the suspected attacker in the Barmbek district after witnesses followed the man and alerted authorities. The suspect was overwhelmed by passers-by and slightly injured in the process, police said.