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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

A couple of weeks ago, we covered New York City mayor Bill de Blasio's "two-pronged plan" to "diversify" NYC's elite public high schools.  These schools are considered elite not only for exceptional academic rigor but because they accept only those who excel on a standardized test. De Blasio's plan requires that these schools reserve 20% of their seats for students from low-income minority middle schools who do not pass the test, let alone excel on it.  Instead, the schools are required to admit these particular students if they manage to almost score the lowest possible passing score.  The second part of his plan is to eliminate the standardized test altogether.

The #Resistance has become completely unhinged, unbearable, and downright dangerous.  This week alone, Peter Fonda suggested that the president's 12-year-old son be sexually assaulted by pedophiles, and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was chased out of a restaurant and was harassed by a pack of socialists at her home. Last night, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was told to leave the Red Hen, a Virginia restaurant, because she works for President Trump.

Seattle's latest attempt to tax its way out of its severe homeless problem failed when Amazon and Starbucks pushed back against the city's "head tax."  We've chronicled other efforts Seattle has made to generate revenue. Whatever they are doing to address the city's homeless problem is not working as evidenced by the scathing letter sent by the convention planning team for the 2019 American Pharmacists Association convention.

As the likelihood of that Democrat Blue Wave recedes, Democrats are beginning to publicly suggest that they may not win back either house of Congress. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a possible 2020 Democrat candidate for president, told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that while she hopes the Democrats can take back at least one house of Congress, she is "filled with terror" that they might not.

Perhaps my cynicism hadn't fully formed when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 because I was gob-smacked by the news.  He hadn't done a thing at that point except fuel the anti-Obamacare sentiment that led to the election of Scott Brown (R) in Massachusetts.  Brown vowed to serve as the Obamacare-busting #41stVote, and deep blue Massachusetts sent him to Washington. As we learn that President Trump has been nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, I find I may again have to reevaluate my cynicism levels.

The economy is moving in the right direction, with the unemployment rate the lowest it's been for 18 years and consumer confidence at "a 17-year high."  This is not good news for Democrats who are watching their midterm blue wave potentially dwindle into a sad little ripple. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is in a tough spot.   Not only is she too moderate for the Bernified Socialist Democratic Party and too radical for moderate Democrats running in red states, but she can't seem to figure out how to talk to or about an American people who are going back to work and who are experiencing growing consumer confidence.