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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Democrats already have avowed socialist and party-alienating "Independent" Senator Bernie Sanders (VT), and they have Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) chirping her mini-me support for Bernie's socialist policies from the back row. No matter.  Surveying the train wreck of a clown car that is the growing list of 2020 Democrat presidential hopefuls, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio apparently thought there just weren't enough socialists from the Northeast running for the party's nomination.

The left's alarming and increasingly blatant Anti-Semitism has reached new lows.  The New York Times International edition published an absolutely appalling cartoon depicting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is featured as a dachshund, leading a presumably "blind" President Trump. It is so horrifically offensive that the New York Times has since deleted the image online and issued an Editor's Note explaining that publishing it was an "error in judgment" because the cartoon is "offensive" for containing "anti-Semitic tropes."  I'm not sure how effective such a note can possibly be since we have all just had (re)confirmed our worst fears about that publication.

The long-awaited release of the Mueller report revealed, unequivocally, that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. However, Mueller's decision to lay out the case against Trump with regard to obstruction, and doing so without pursuing indictments against him or anyone else in his circle, has had  predictable results: the left is screaming for Trump's scalp, and the Trump White House and his supporters are declaring vindication.

When I first heard that President Trump is considering releasing illegal aliens into sanctuary cities, I laughed. Out loud.  There may have been giggling, too, as I pondered the implications and read the outraged outraging of the left. My first thought was "perfect! This is Alinsky in action: make them live by their own rules."  My second thought was "this has a touch of Cloward-Piven, too, overwhelm the systems of the sanctuary cities, and voters there may decide they don't like living in a sanctuary city after all."

There they go again. The Democrat media just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to President Trump.  Too many this weekend jumped on a #FakeNews story that was debunked a year ago about Trump calling illegal aliens and asylum seekers "animals." Stacey wrote about Democrat and 2020 presidential hopeful Robert "Beto" O'Rourke's casual lie about Trump calling all illegal aliens "animals."  The president, of course, said no such thing and was clearly referring to the violent criminal gang MS-13.

Much to the chagrin of the leftist feminist contingent, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana is making quite a splash in the Democrat media with his 2020 presidential bid.  Affectionately dubbed "Mayor Pete," Pete Buttigieg has enjoyed fawning, gushing press for the past week or so. Not so fast, though, because not every leftie is on board with Buttigieg's 2020 aspirations.  We know this because he was recently accused of saying, back in 2015, that all lives matter.

Independent journalist and Quillette editor Andy Ngo, whose work you may recall from Mary's post in which she shares Ngo's documentation of hate crime hoaxes perpetrated by the left, has published an article about "the suspicious rise of gay hate crimes in Portland." The article provides a detailed and seemingly well-documented review of the shocking rise in alleged hate crimes in Portland, Oregon.  Ngo notes some troubling issues like the fact that few of these hate crimes can be found in police reports and that there is some sort of vigilante LGBT group forming online to combat the supposed anti-LGBT hate crime spree.

Then-president Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal was widely condemned on the right and by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who referred to the deal as a "bad" and "very bad deal."  One of then-candidate Trump's campaign promises was to extract the the U.S. from this very bad deal, and he did so in the second year of his presidency. Much to the chagrin of Democrats, the DNC, and the former Obama administration, this withdrawal from the Iran deal has been far more successful in stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities and from sponsoring worldwide terrorism than the original, bad deal was sold to accomplish.

Apparently, Robert "Beto" O'Rourke was a member of a teenage hacking group called Cult of the Dead Cow. An intrepid Reuters reporter, who was researching a book at the time, tracked down and confirmed this story prior to the 2018 midterms, but agreed to hold it until after Texas voters headed to the polls to vote for their choice for Senate.  In that race, O'Rourke lost to incumbent Senator Ted Cruz (R).