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Author: Anne Segal

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Anne Segal

Anne Sorock Segal is a market researcher and president of The Frontier Lab, a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase demand for freedom and revive a unifying American character using cutting-edge behavioral science methodologies.

A series of Occupy twitter accounts as well as the Occupy Sandy facebook account were hacked Tuesday evening, with the hackers tweeting out messages like "OCCUPY IS OVER. IT WAS FUN. #SORRY" and "OCCUPY IS OVER." The affected twitter accounts included @OccupyWallSTNYC, @OccupyTogether, @OccupyChicago, @USUncut, @OccupyArrests, @OWSUnionSquare,...

Local Chicago NPR station WBEZ has unrolled an advertising campaign for its membership drive that calls on its listeners to "go make babies today." The facebook-based microsite, "Go Makes Babies," features a five-question assessment that with the question, "The quickest way to get me thinking about...

Ace of Spades blog has posted a piece documenting the void of a Fourth Estate in America today, enjoining all of us who have been following its malpractice to do something: The media no longer hides it in their actions. They are fully fused with the...

In 2005, Prof. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit wrote a book, An Army of Davids, about how technology had changed the equations in society so that ordinary citizens could go around the media monopoly. Just as videos of grassroots attendance at health care forums in the summer of...

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. There could be no more appropriate time to reflect on Martin Luther King's words than Inauguration Day, when the man who...

British MEP Daniel Hannan delivered an electrifying take down of the central tenets of the Occupy movement during a debate about the movement at the Young Britons' Foundation this week. Hannan described the bank bailouts, which have led to a landscape now filled with "zombie banks,...

Today, 8,000 bus workers and aides went on strike in New York City at 6a.m. this morning to protest the city's attempts to cut costs by putting their contracts up for bid to private bus companies. The last time school bus drivers went on strike...

An infographic from Mayor Bloomberg's "Mayors against Illegal Guns" depicting "common-sense gun control" shows how graphics can swindle their audiences using simple tricks. Despite the fact that the NRA has condemned the group for being anti-gun, MAIG is attempting to define the terms of the debate in ways...

Yesterday the U.S. State Department for the first time mentioned American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been imprisoned in Iran since September 2012 for speaking out about his Christian views and developing a network of underground churches. While family and friends of the pastor, who...

Just a little more than an hour apart, but world's away in leadership are Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker. Thursday, Walker announced today that the budget he will sign this summer will include "significant" cuts to the income tax rates....

As we all seek out ways to restore our country to the right path, I believe there is one area that has been neglected: culture. In 2013, my organization The Frontier Lab is excited to continue its study of the facets of the American character--how Americans understand...