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Feel the Unity Week at Legal Insurrection

Feel the Unity Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Democrats and the media act like people are going to eventually come around and embrace Biden, but this moment was very telling about where we really are right now.

The other big news of the week was about vaccines.

Can we get a vaccine for Trump Derangement Syndrome?

The plot thickens.

We all knew this was coming.

Beyond parody.

The pandemic is changing the country’s economic landscape.

Criticizing BLM gets you canceled.

Andrew Cuomo is just the worst.

Please consider making a donation!

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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SeekingRationalThought | December 20, 2020 at 9:29 am

Ms. Dillon’s eyes are even more vacant than those of AOC. Are the “progressives” cloning empty-brained millennials? What a stupid thing to think. Not as stupid as saying it out loud, but still pretty stupid. Fortunately for Dillon, she doesn’t have a productive job contributing to society and so will probably not be fired. Ain’t the Fungal Class great?

JusticeDelivered | December 20, 2020 at 10:53 am

“embrace Biden” NEVER, or Democrats, all they have done is is drive an insurmountable wedge.

Biden has his eye on her. Both of them.