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Democrats Exploit a Crisis Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrats Exploit a Crisis Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

In the fall, people must not forget how Democrats behaved throughout the spring.

The shutdowns must also be remembered.

The Joe Biden veepstakes continue.

Not surprising.

Of course.


Our media is a disgrace.

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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After 8 years of the Bath House Barry Obuma administration, it proves this country is strong enough to handle a horrible disaster, and makes the China Virus look small. Surviving Peelosi’s tax payer supported spending spree and Guv’s like Jumbo Butt Pritzker’s Stay-At-Home-While-My-Wife-Jets-Around-The-Country order may take a Civil War type response. Let’s take the media out first.

And meanwhile, Cornell University is leading an effort to make masks for a “vulnerable population”: prisoners.

Because transit workers, truckers, and the like don’t deserve masks. Rapists do!

BierceAmbrose | May 17, 2020 at 7:31 pm

“Democrats Exploit a Crisis Week…”

Must be a week ending in “y.”