Media Malpractice Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

The crisis has made the media even worse than usual. Even liberal Bill Maher has had enough.
They’re getting things wrong and reporting misinformation.
- Media Hoaxes: No, There Has Not Been A Spike In Calls To Poison Control Because Of Trump’s Recent Comments
- Media and Democrats lying again: No, Trump Did Not Tell People to Inject or Drink Bleach or Disinfectants
- Media Hate Narrative: Trump Killing His Own Elderly Voters Could Swing Election
It’s out of control.
- Media Hoaxes: No, Trump Did Not Send 17 Tons of Public U.S. Coronavirus Supplies to China
- ‘You Guys Are Pravda’ — CNN stages Chris Cuomo Emerging From Quarantine, but He Previously Went Out
- NY Times Blames Sean Hannity for Bar Owner Coronavirus Death, but Timeline Bungled and Ignores Reporter’s Own Tweet
And the media isn’t calling this out.
Things just got a lot worse for Joe Biden.
Democrats are targeting their own for the crime of liking Trump.
- Detroit Democrats Plan Censure Vote Against Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump For Her Wuhan Virus Recovery
- Update: GA Dem State Rep Will NOT Resign After Party Attacked Him for Endorsing Trump
This is not helpful.
Pelosi needs to retire.
She sure is confident in herself.
- Stacey Abrams: “I Have the Capacity, the Competence, the Skills, and the Willingness” to be Biden’s VP
- Stacey Abrams Criticizes GA Gov. Brian Kemp’s Plan to Reopen State as ‘Dangerously Incompetent’
World news.
- Germany Calls Off Oktoberfest Over Wuhan Coronavirus
- UK Intel Tells Government Officials Not to Use Zoom Citing China Fears
- Is Kim Jong Un Brain Dead, in Serious Condition, or Trying to Become Social Distancing Champion?
Branco cartoons!

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Geez, Mike. You trying to break my confidence in our
*Pravda would be an improvement
“Media Malpractice Week at Legal Insurrection”. As expressed at another great blog: You’re going to need a bigger blog!