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July 2019

While the 18th anniversary of the Sbarro pizzeria suicide bombing in Jerusalem on August 9 is approaching, Janna Jihad, a young relative of the terrorist Ahlam Tamimi who planned and helped perpetrate the massacre, is on a US speaking tour. Janna Jihad is only 13, but she has already been groomed for years by the Tamimis to succeed her cousin Ahed Tamimi as the youthful, innocent face tasked with hiding the clan’s murderous hatred of Israel.

Dr. Einat Wilf writes and lecture extensively on Zionism and anti-Semitism. A point we've made here repeatedly, particularly as to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, is that while in theory there is a difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, in the real world they are almost always the same.

President Donald Trump is considering tariffs on French wines in response to the digital tax imposed by Paris that disproportionately targets U.S. tech companies. Earlier this month, the French Senate approved a 3 percent tax on sales generated from digital services in France by companies with more than 25 million euros in French revenue and 750 million euros worldwide.

It doesn't get much more seedy and cynical than this.  The Democrat Super PAC Priorities USA is pouring millions into key battleground states to create political ads that look and sound like local news. The goal is to convince voters in the selected states—Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Wisconsin—that the Trump economy is not working for them.  By cleverly focusing on the economy and avoiding the "politics of the aggrieved," the PAC hopes to make headway in Trump country.

MSNBC host Donny Deutsch went on an astounding rant in which he shattered whatever remaining mirage of unbiased, nonpartisan objectivity the leftstream media clung to in hopes of winning over skeptical viewers. Deutsch said that "we" (presumably Democrats and their media lapdogs) are "at war" and should do "whatever we have to do" to put "him [Trump] in jail."

There are really only two ways to consider the borders of Israel when it declared independence in May 1948: the entirety of the Palestine Mandate OR the proposed border put forward by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947. As discussed below, only one of these is legally valid, while both options demonstrate that Israel does not occupy any “Palestinian Land.”

The European Union is taking Hungary to court over the country's immigration law, German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported. The legal action by Brussels seeks to repeal a law passed last year by Hungary's parliament aimed at securing the country's borders and combating illegal trafficking of migrants. The case will he heard by the top EU court, the European Court of Justice.

Elizabeth Warren's not practicing what she preaches is a recurring theme in her political career, beyond her Native American problem. As we covered in 2012 and again recently, Warren made millions representing large corporations in legal cases hostile to consumers and workers, yet portrayed that work completely differently: Elizabeth Warren’s erroneous claim to have tried to help women with breast implant claims when she represented Dow Chemical