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Suspected Antifa Member Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Chain College Republicans in Classroom

Suspected Antifa Member Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Chain College Republicans in Classroom

“He crouched down and immediately slapped his chain around the door.”

While the College Republicans at the University of Washington held a meeting in a classroom, someone approached the door from the outside and attempted to chain the doors shut. Luckily, they had someone watching the door.

Members immediately sprang into action and chased down the suspect, who was ultimately arrested.

Jason Rantz reported at KTTH Radio:

Rantz: ‘Antifa’ member arrested for trying to imprison Republican students in classroom

An alleged member of a local antifa group was arrested Monday evening for attempting — and very badly failing — to chain the doors, locking conservative students in a University of Washington classroom.

Front. The meeting caught the attention of Emerald City Antifa. On their Facebook page, the group encouraged members to show up to disrupt the event.

One person did show up, though it’s unclear if he’s directly connected with the Facebook page. But he didn’t try to simply disrupt the event; he tried to lock the students in the hall with a chain and lock.

“I saw a guy in black approach the door but there had been no protest outside or anything so antifa wasn’t necessarily on my radar,” UWCR member Zach Wildfang told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “He crouched down and immediately slapped his chain around the door.”

The chaining didn’t work. It made lots of noise, as chains against doors tend to do, and it immediately alerted the students inside, one already standing guard.

“We heard the rattling from inside,” UWCR president Chevy Swanson told Rantz. “We looked to see through the window and see that someone was messing with the door. And it’s very clearly a chain being attached.

This video is cued to start at the 50:22 mark, just press play:

Or you can watch a short clip in this tweet from Andy Ngo:

Here’s a photo of the suspect being taken into custody:

A conservative group called Operation Cold Front had members at the meeting as guests. This is apparently what triggered the left. Emerald City Antifa posted the following message on their Facebook page:

Just a reminder to people at the UW that the Operation Cold Front crew (who you might remember from such antics as “It’s ok to be White” signs, transphobic harassment of students, posing as Black Lives Matter to ask for reparations, harassing people outside an abortion clinic, and more) will be having a speaking engagement at the UW June 3rd at 6pm in Thomson Hall rm 101. There’s space for 100 or so people, but for those who show up, some useful tactics might to sit in using large items that take up additional seats, maybe with headphones in so you don’t have to hear their garbage, or noise demo tactics such as whistles to make it difficult for them to speak over.

They have recently put out some very ugly, transphobic material and were harrassing queer students at Evergreen, and we hope that we can take some time out this Pride Month to have our queer siblings backs, and not allow these assholes to have a platform.

These people are Proud Boy chuds, and Proud Boy chud supporters, they have been caught on video yelling “yt power!” while harassing womxn, and have a history of harassing womxn (including one of the co-hosts who is an accused rapist). These people belong to the Him Too movement, an anti-MeToo, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, “traditionalist” Men’s Rights trash fire. They should not be on campus bothering students.

So, if you’re able, show up to deplatform.

So here’s the obvious question. What was the point of chaining the door shut? Was it just to lock them in, or was something else coming next?

Featured image via YouTube.


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Roy in Nipomo | June 6, 2019 at 7:57 pm

I would think that beyond “disorderly conduct” there would be some other charges appropriate (e.g. attempts at: fire code violations, false imprisonment, etc).

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Roy in Nipomo. | June 7, 2019 at 11:48 am

    This will soon escalate. Chained doors, then gasoline or some other fuel poured under the door and set alight.

If only to have a cattle prod when you need one.

Antifa clearly is a pro-slavery group.

One commenter on the article tries to minimize this by saying it was just one guy and people shouldn’t be blaming the entire Left.

The ol’ double standard at work. How many times have they applied the same logic when it’s just one guy from the right? I’ll go with “Never”.

“He was cited with disorderly conduct…”

I wonder what the Fire Marshall will have to say about this obvious threat to public safety?

Remember when the Black Panther were standing outside a polling place in Philadelphia in 2008, with nightsticks. When are conservative groups going to start putting “greeters” outside these events with collapsible batons under their jackets?

rabid wombat | June 6, 2019 at 9:42 pm

A good, old a$$ beating would have solved the problem…probably would have addressed any recidivism, too…

A lawsuit for false imprisonment should be filed immediately.

Try bankrupting that, weasel.

Someone should talk to a federal prosecutor about charging this thug with violating civil rights. While prosecuting him for that they should find out if he is being paid to do this.

    AlecRawls in reply to ConradCA. | June 7, 2019 at 3:25 pm

    The feds are totally shirking their law enforcement duties on hundreds of such incidents, which are ALL conspiracy to suppress civil rights.

    The 2016 antifa attacks on Trump rallies? Ok, that was Obama’s DOJ, already eyeballs deep trying to rig the election for Hillary, so no help there. Then fruitcake Sessions, who acted like the commie left had video of him raping a child.

    Do we finally have a real AG or not?? What the hell is Barr waiting for?

Disorderly conduct?? Do we now have snowflake police. What about attempted kidnapping and attempted unlawful imprisonment.

Is this a joke to law efnrocement?

I have been warning people for years that if the Left ever banned firearms the next thing that would happen is a psychopath would chain the doors of a school and start a fire killing hundreds of children. This is the first warning of what is to come…be afraid, very afraid!

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Merlin01. | June 7, 2019 at 12:05 pm

    Rather than being afraid, take the perps like discussed in this article, and give them a permanent reason to reconsider. It is time for the general public to stop accepting the excuses. It is also time to – at the very least – raise cain with the officials ordering the LEOs to look the other way, or for styrofoam charges like “disorderly conduct” for false imprisonment.

Washington is California lite?

These might be random acts of violence between disparate individuals. Or…

What I’m concerned about is that may be one type of “dry run” – AntiFa working on tactics for the future, especially if (when) Trump wins in 2020. What if the full model for this is chaining all the doors closed, then tossing in a Molotov cocktail or a chlorine gas grenade. What if “Milkshaking” is a dry run for a cup of acid or bleach? You already have idiots like Carlos Maza of Vox and MMFA (in)fame calling for “Milkshaking” to humiliate ALL members of the right.

If you are at all vocal, keep your head on a swivel – situational awareness…

Wonder what a good curb-stomping or burst of lead would do to slow down the fascists on the left from continuing this crap.

blacksburger | June 7, 2019 at 6:14 pm

The Virginia Tech shooter chained shut all the outside doors of the building before he opened fire. It took the police a while to get in; as soon as the police got in, the shooter killed himself.