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July 2018

The American Studies Association (ASA) was the first, and so far the only, major American academic association to adopt the academic boycott of Israel, part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) call to isolate and cut ties with Israel and Israelis. The fallout from the December 2013 ASA resolution was swift. The ASA action, which is considered a violation of academic freedom by the American Association of University Professors, was condemned by over 250 university presidents and numerous university associations.

As we near the one-month mark of the famous Singapore peace summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, it's a good time to check on the progress in the various goals set forth in those highly publicized discussion. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is flying to North Korea for a status check on denuclearization and the return of the remains of US servicemen.
In the days since the June summit, U.S. and North Korean officials have struggled to maintain basic communication, North Korea has not returned the remains of U.S. soldiers who went missing during the Korean War as promised, and new satellite imagery has shown North Korea expanding a key missile-manufacturing plant.

Democrats had high hopes for a pick up in the newly-redistricted 1st District of Pennsylvania, the result of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that threw out the 2010 redistricting for allegedly violating the Pennsylvania Constitution. The issue of whether partisan redistricting violates the U.S. Constitution remains an open question, despite recent SCOTUS decisions. But since the PA Sup Ct decided the case based on the PA Constitution, the attempt to get SCOTUS to review the case failed.

All in all, it's not a bad jobs report to kick off the summer. The Labor Department's report shows the economy added 213,000 new jobs in June even though experts predicted only 190,000. This means job growth has happened 93 months in a row, which is a record. Unemployment went up to 4% from 3.8%, but that probably went up because of the rise in labor participation.

As readers are aware, Legal Insurrection has reported more extensively on events at Oberlin College over the past several years than almost any other website. Among other things, Legal Insurrection has engaged in reporting on the following issues related to Oberlin College:

A 16 year old boy was getting a bite to eat with friends at a hamburger restaurant in San Antonio, Texas this week, when a man approached their table, ripped the 'Make America Great Again' hat off his head, and threw a large cup of soda in his face. The man then proudly strode away with the hat.

From the Department of YOU HAD ONE JOB: Currently, 12 Thai boys (a soccer team), are trapped in a cave where they've been since June 23rd. Rescue teams are frantically working to pump water out of the flooded cave in order to get the boys and their coach to safety. Heavy rains are expected Saturday and would it even more difficult if not impossible to get the team and their coach out.

As the July 9 date for Trump to announce his pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy nears, there is a vicious multi-front war evolving. Of course, Democrats are attacking every likely nominee, with the anti-Catholic bigotry against Amy Coney Barrett the most prominent. Barrett would be the most finger-in-the-liberals-eye pick, and not just because of her Catholicism. She has seven (7) children -- that is a provocation in the minds of liberal feminists and the people who love them that cannot be abided.

We all know the Stormy Daniels story is not about Stormy Daniels.  It's been about undermining President Trump (not that this has happened because no one cares about his having a consensual one-night stand a decade ago), but it seems that it may also be about Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti and his own political aspirations.