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July 2018

President Donald Trump has pardoned ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond, the men who inspired the 2016 armed occupation of a national wildlife refuge in Oregon, resulting in a stand-off between protestors and the federal government. The men were convicted "in 2012 of intentionally and maliciously setting fires on public lands."

AMAZING. Authorities have rescued all 12 boys of the Thai Wild Boar soccer team and their coach after two weeks trapped in a cave. It took three days to bring them all to safety. Four rescuers, three Thai Navy SEALS, and a doctor are still in the cave.

A federal judge has just dismissed the federal government's claim that U.S. law overrules two of California's "Sanctuary State" laws.
U.S. District Judge John A. Mendez approved California's motion to throw out the lawsuit related to two of those measures: Senate Bill 54, the sanctuary state law, and Assembly Bill 103, which allows the state attorney general to inspect detention facilities.

So this is my quick take on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. My overwhelming focus as the drama unfolded tonight was not Kavanaugh's record. I'm not sufficiently familiar with Kavanaugh's record to reach an independent judgment on him. But Kavanaugh has passed muster with a wide range of conservatives who are familiar with his record and background, particularly Leonard Leo of The Federalist Society. I'll rely on, and accept, their judgment on future Justice Kavanaugh.

Doctor David Mackereth worked for the NHS as a medical assessor for 26 years until recently when he was "sacked" and ruled "unfit" to continue working with the Department because "he refused to identify patients as being of a sex that they did not see themselves as." What should be a biological discussion is now one of religious and speech issues. Though it's not unique to Christianity to believe gender is determined biologically and can't be chosen on a whim, Mackereth's stance is portrayed (at least by The Telegraph) as one based on religious principles. Mackereth claims his freedom of speech is being quashed because he's been fired for refusing to renounce his Christian beliefs.

Stay classy, leftists! Philippe Reines, a former top aide to failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, tweeted out the contact information of the Black Swan bookstore in Richmond, VA. The owner, Nick Cooke, had the audacity to call the police when a woman harassed President Donald Trump's former advisor Steve Bannon and called him a "piece of trash."

It's getting crazy out here on the internet. Trump names his nominee to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy at a live press conference at 9 p.m. tonight. Trump did a pretty good job keeping the selection on the quiet with Neil Gorsuch, and as of this writing, there have been no definitive leaks. Just a lot of "insider" speculation as to who the finalists and top 2 are.

Efforts to free the soccer team and coach trapped inside of a flooded cave in Thailand will resume Monday. Sunday, rescue workers were able to successfully extract four of the 12 boys. They were rushed to the hospital and are under observation. Reports indicate they are all doing well.