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March 2017

Earth Hour is being touted as the world’s largest grass roots movement for the environment. On Saturday, from 8:30 - 9:30 pm, special snowflakes will turn off the lights in an effort to "make a difference" for the 11th year in a row. More importantly, it is also time for the very successful counter-event: Human Achievement Hour. Independent-minded lovers of innovation, people, and capitalism have organized to take part in the Competitive Enterprise Institute's annual celebration of progress and really making a difference.

If you're an Apple snob like me, I'm pretty sure you became concerned when Wikileaks published documents about the hacking tools the CIA used to sneak into Apple products. A person could not disable the tools even by resetting their phone. But Apple has come out to assure customers that the company has fixed the vulnerabilities in its newer products.

John Harwood is the CNBC journalist who advised Hillary's campaign on how to handle Ben Carson and later bragged to Hillary campaign chairman John Podesta about the rude questions he posed to Donald Trump during a debate. Harwood's attacks on Republican candidates as a moderator of a Republican primary debate were met with near universal mockery. Legal Insurrection's persistent exposure of Harwood eventually led Harwood to block Legal Insurrection on Twitter. Harwood resumed his routine on Joy Reid's MSNBC show this morning. Harwood claimed that Republicans are "radically opposed to government itself" and asserted that "governing is about taking action to solve people's problems."

The last time we checked on the Dakota Access Pipeline, recovery crews were digging through mountains of garbage left by protesters and trying to find families for the dogs abandoned at the Standing Rock site by the evicted eco-activists. President Trump put his pen to work, which moved both the Dakota and Keystone pipelines forward. the US State Department is putting the finishing touches on a permit for Keystone's international structure. Meanwhile, South Dakota and Iowa authorities are investigating the vandalism of the almost operational Dakota Access Pipeline.

In the span of just two weeks, we've been told that Chelsea Clinton is writing a children's book, has been named to the board of directors at Expedia, and that she's being given an achievement award for some reason. Are you seeing a pattern yet? Tell us she's not being groomed to run for office. There's more, too. Ann Friedman writes at the Los Angeles Times:
Just like her mother, Chelsea Clinton never gets a break This week, Variety magazine announced that it would honor former first daughter Chelsea Clinton at its Women in Power luncheon with a “Lifetime achievement award.” The news spread quickly among both Trump supporters and left-leaning Clinton detractors who believe that the family’s tone-deafness cost them the election. Chelsea accepting such an award at the tender age of 37 confirmed the “out-of-touch elite” narrative once and for all.

While California's Governor Jerry Brown is in Washington, D.C., asking for the Trump administration for funding to help pay for storm damage repair and train construction, the state's legislators have been busy working against the American President. The border wall is the cornerstone of President Trump's campaign platform. This week, Sacramento politicians proposed a bill that that would divest its pension funds from companies engaged in the building of that wall.

Last week, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn acknowledged that he worked as a foreign agent with the firm Inovo, owned by Turkish-American businessman Ekim Alptekin, who has links to the Turkish government. The firm hired Flynn to investigate Fehtullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in Pennsylvania, that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has blamed for many attempts coups. Today, ex-CIA director James Moosley released a bombshell with The Wall Street Journal, stating he attended a meeting with Flynn and Turkish foreign ministers to discuss removing Gulen back to Turkey. At the time, Flynn served as a Trump campaign advisor.

At the eleventh hour, the House was voted into recess, postponing the vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the first step in what is supposed to be the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Speaker Ryan is holding a press conference. Watch live here: