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August 2016

Yes, I know there are more pressing matters in the world, but every now and then it's worth pausing to reflect upon the fact that in many ways, Darwin was right. An inebriated Kentucky couple was in for quite the surprise when they happened upon a beehive just after crashing their car through a fence, to be stopped by a utility pole. From an eyewitness:

It was bound to happen. Massive data breech, emails that sure do look like the DNC favored Hillary over Bernie, astronomical debt, a contentious, unified convention -- someone was going to lose their job. Prior to the Democratic National Convention, Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz resigned in disgrace after Wikileaks posted more than 19,000 hacked DNC emails. Post-convention, even more heads are rolling. The DNC's Chief Executive and two other top officials resigned today.

The Dallas Police Department lost five officers on July 7, but instead of people backing away from the job, the department still receives applications from people to join the force. Officials received 467 applications days after the attack with more coming in each week.

Jessica McClard in Fayetteville, AR, decided to open the Little Free Pantry in her neighborhood, which supplies food and hygiene items to those in need. She said:
“I check on it about once every day because it’s at the church,” McClard told ABC News of the small structure located in front of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fayetteville. “I know it turns over in about 30 minutes. That suggests to me that are more people on the demand side than the supply side.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has continued his rhetoric that the West had a hand in the failed coup three weeks ago. Why is all of this important? Turkey is still a member of NATO and the U.S. uses their base to strike ISIS in Syria. He said:
"The West is supporting terrorism and taking sides with coups," Erdogan said, adding that forces unhappy with Turkey's rise as a regional power were behind the coup.

The Department of Defense inspector general found that the Pentagon cannot maintain proper bookkeeping on expenses, which means they have not audited $6.5 TRILLION they spent on wars, equipment, etc. Lorin Venable, the assistant inspector general wrote:
Army and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis personnel did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter adjustments and $6.5 trillion in yearend adjustments made to the Army General Fund data during FY2015 financial statement compilation. We conducted this audit in accordance with generlly accepted government auditing standards.

While Americans are justifiably focused on the fascinating presidential campaign, there is a U.S. Senate primary in Arizona coming up on August 30th that could use a bit of attention. Republican Senate primary voters are currently split between several candidates. One of the better positioned hopefuls, Alex Meluskey, has just dropped out of the primary. The biggest beneficiary of this development is a vibrant challenger, Dr. Kelli Ward.
A Public Policy Polling survey of the Republican Primary showed former State Senator Ward tied with McCain 41-41 head-to-head but trailing 39-26 when three other candidates were included in the poll. One of those three candidates, Scott McBean, failed to turn in enough signatures to make the ballot. With Meluskey’s campaign suspension, only perennial candidate Clair Van Steenwyk remains. Van Steenwyk polled last in the PPP survey with just 2 percent compared to Meluskey’s 4 percent and McBean’s 3 percent. Van Steenwyk isn’t expected to rise above low single digits.

On Morning Joe, in the wake of recent comments by Donald Trump including his criticism of the Gold Star Khan family, Joe Scarborough says that he has been contacted by Republicans, conservatives and what the media would call "right-wing bloggers" to inquire about Trump's "mental health." Scarborough says "everybody" is talking about it. Scarborough went on to say "I've known him for a decade, never seen him act like this before. It's unhinged, not the Donald Trump I've known for over a decade. I never have seen anything remotely resembling this type of behavior from a guy who I've known and liked and called a friend."

Sunday night I created the hashtag #DemocratWarMovies and before long, it actually started trending on the site. I figured I'd use this opportunity to explain how I got the idea. All weekend, I watched as the Democrats and the media saturated the airwaves with the Khan family who ranted against Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention.

I would say this is THE dumbest thing I've seen in a long time, but that's impossible to determine in 2016. Regardless, it's one of the dumbest things I've seen lately. Social Justice Warriors killed an emoji (the irony is not lost on me), because they're known for tackling the important things in life. Apple has replaced its pistol emoji with a less threatening water gun. Because using a water gun in a text message is less threatening? Equally as dumb is yet another emoji update that will show women doing jobs typically done by men. SO PROGRESSIVE.

Sitting here in my third trimester, chugging ice water and enjoying the blessing of air conditioning, our little one wiggles and jiggles in my womb. The bigger she gets, the more she makes my belly dance. It's an incredible experience. So I have a particularly difficult time with Hillary's argument; an argument mirrored by the pro-infanticide crowd. Should she arrive early, Baby Love would be "viable" (since that seems to be an important distinction for pro-abort types), meaning she can survive outside of the womb. The instances of clinical abortion specifically for the health the mother are so few, it's not even a meritorious discussion. Most are for the lifestyle of the mother, with no regard to the potential of the life in the womb. How women who have nurtured an unborn child through birth can honestly support such flimsy non arguments is not something I'll ever understand.

Wyatt Gillette, 8, passed away on Sunday a day after the Marines made him an Honorary Marie at Camp Pendleton in California. He always wanted to become a Marine like his father.

As of today, Texas' Campus Carry law is effective. Texas' law is not a blanket invite for any and all gun owners to bring firearms on college campuses. Only Concealed Carry permit-holders are allowed to pack heat on campus (minimum age to do obtain a CHL in 21), and even then, certain buildings are off limits. Open carry is not permitted. Private universities were allowed to opt-out of the law, and most did, including Baylor, Texas Christian University, Rice University and Southern Methodist University.

As we reported yesterday, in her Fox News Sunday appearance, Hillary Clinton blamed "professionals" on whom she was "entitled to rely" who “made the wrong call” by sending her classified material. Appearing today on Morning Joe, Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook continued to blame others, whining that the emails containing classified materials came from "long-time tenured State Department professionals." But as Scarborough and others on the panel pointed out, Hillary forced others into sending her classified information in an improper way because she only maintained email on her private server.

About a week ago, Aleister reported Secretary of State John Kerry's assertion that air conditioners and refrigerators pose as big a threat to “life on the planet” as terrorism. Americans, taking Kerry at his word, and are now petitioning the State Department to remove their air conditioning.
WHEREAS, Secretary of State John F. Kerry has suggested that air conditioners are as big a threat as ISIS, and

Italian and French Muslims attended Catholic Mass to show solidarity after two ISIS terrorists executed Father Jacques Hamel in his church in northern France.