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September 2012

I just tuned in to hear Chains Biden tell the already debunked story about Obama's mother fighting with the insurance company, and relating how that story reflects what makes Barack tick and who he is.  What a perfect start to the night. A presidency built on myth and composite truth.  What in the old days they called lies. Update: My summary of the Obama speech: Below is my stream of tweetedness throughout the night:

I'll admit I haven't been following this case very closely. But it seems newsworthy that he was convicted in a circumstantial case (h/t creeper): Retired Bolingbrook police officer Drew Peterson was found guilty Thursday of murdering his third wife, Kathleen Savio, the verdict eliciting a gasp from a packed Will...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

If you have been following this blog, you know that we have gone where others have not gone in helping to tell the story about Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be Cherokee, how she used it in her career, and how she gave at best...

Well, 39 minutes and 49 seconds to be precise, once you take out the news breaks and commercials. I was a guest Tuesday night on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030, the Boston superstation that covers all of New England: A group of concerned Native American...

After a string of recounts and runoffs, it's official that Rep. Lee Anderson will be the Republican nominee in Georgia's 12th Congressional District. Georgia election officials say a recount has upheld state Rep. Lee Anderson as the winner of the Republican primary runoff in the state's...

Via Maggie's Farm, h/t a reader. I'm liking it, although I still think I wrote the single greatest sentence ever. ...

Last night was not as painful as expected. I could not believe the Democrats put Sandra Fluke on in prime time. She was pathetic, a self-absorbed self-pitying self-ish caricature of the entitlement mentality. Liz Warren was not on her game. The MSM is portraying her as giving a great speech, and maybe in the arena it played better than on TV, but I expected much more. Maybe I'm jaded because I've heard her "hammered" and "rigged" rhetoric so many times. Bill Clinton was classic Bill Clinton. Making stuff up and throwing out so many stats it would take hours to verify each one, and doing so in a very endearing and folksy way. I doubt any minds were changed, but it was a flashback to times which were not as great then as they are portrayed now. Here are some of the tweets I sent out during the speeches:

Sent with the subject line "Will you defend me?" Professor, Ah, the American Community Survey. Have you received it lately? This is the second time in 2 years for me. Maybe something to do with Colorado. The faq states the survey states the benefits to be "help your...

This is going to be a painful night to sit through. We will have to sit through 20 or so minutes of Liz Warren giving her standard lashing of business and Republicans, playing the holier than thou card.  There are few prominent politicians less deserving of...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

That's the title of a new video released by the Massachusetts Republican Party. Whereas our video (about 10,000 views as of this writing) focused on Warren's deception during the campaign, this video focuses on the people she has hurt the most. The ending quote from a full-blooded Cherokee is "The...

At least this time Dick Durbin didn't go all Godwin on us like he did last time. Even though Democrats do seem to be throwing around Nazi analogies out of frustration, Durbin didn't go there. But this was embarrassing, even for the senior Senator from Illinois. When I...

You could not have a more clear statement of the Democratic Party philosphy of government supremacy. It's a theme which resonates with liberal Democrats, but will it resonate with the remaining Blue Dog style Democrats and unaffiliated voters? ...

Tonight at the DNC Elizabeth Warren will deliver a high profile, coveted introduction of Bill Clinton. Democrats in the arena will stand and wildly cheer as Warren delivers what is sure to be a rousing speech of economic demagoguery in which she lashes out at big...

Any speech on domestic policy. It's a one size fits all condensed version.  All the other stuff is just fluff. Found on yet another car in Ithaca not too far from my house with multiple anti-Obama stickers. This vehicle was on the same street as the vehicle with...