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How many times must MSNBC's Rachel Maddow end up with egg on her face before she stops with the tabloid behavior? So many explosive reports that turned into absolute duds. Maddow claimed yesterday she had video that showed the White House edited video of the conference between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin to remove the question from Reuters about Putin's desire for Trump to beat Hillary. Yeah....except that's not what happened. Even The Washington Post shot her down.

As the likelihood of that Democrat Blue Wave recedes, Democrats are beginning to publicly suggest that they may not win back either house of Congress. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a possible 2020 Democrat candidate for president, told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that while she hopes the Democrats can take back at least one house of Congress, she is "filled with terror" that they might not.

Following President Trump's announcement that the United States, the United Kingdom, and France had launched a joint missile strike in Syria, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow told her audience that the strikes might be motivated as a means of distracting from domestic problems Trump is facing.  Apparently, she is concerned that even this impression will "taint" military operations. In her best "no, you are not dreaming Trump really won" voice, Maddow announced that the timing of the strikes and her sense that it seems to be a diversion weakens our military's "impact and effectiveness."  National security, she intones, is at risk.

Monday, former Trump aide Sam Nunberg gave a bizarre interview to the Washington Post, saying he was going to ignore the subpoena to appear before a federal grand jury. Later, Nunberg went on a network news tour, where, in a strange stream of consciousness, Nunberg spilled his guts on everything from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to why Trump loves Corey [Lewandowski] more.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough cause a Twitter storm when he posted a misleading tweet about Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).  Scarborough misrepresented Hatch's comments about entitlements generally as being specifically about CHIP, a program created back in 1997 when Hatch co-sponsored the legislation with then-Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA). Scarborough has since taken down the tweet, but here is a screen cap of it: