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Europe Tag

With Europe now officially the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic, Germany has announced its decision to close its borders with France, Austria, and Switzerland starting Monday, German news agency dpa reports. The German borders will remain closed barring some exceptions. Daily commuters and movement of goods have been exempted from the closure.

Police in Greece fought back on Saturday to repel thousands of illegal immigrants along the Turkish border. The push back comes as tens of thousands of migrants are beginning to amass along the Turkish-Greek border. Angry migrants pelted stones at Greek guards and attempted to cut through border fences, news reports said. The Greek police fired tear gas in response.

Europe has been hit by a massive migrant wave after Turkey opened border crossings on Friday. Thousands of migrants started amassing along the Greek and Bulgarian borders, with Turkish authorities offering free bus rides for illegal migrants to reach border crossings.

Austria's parliament passed a unanimous resolution on Thursday condemning the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) as antisemitic. The resolution, tabled by the ruling People’s Party, was supported by all political groups represented in Austria’s National Council.

The European Union and European governments are funding several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) linked to a Palestinian terrorist group, the watchdog NGO Monitor disclosed. The research done by the Jerusalem-based watchdog group exposed eight NGOs as having operational ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S. and EU-designated terrorist group.

Germany, France and the United Kingdom have launched a formal dispute mechanism against Iran which could end up putting international sanctions on the regime. The measure was announced on Tuesday following recent Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal. The dispute will now be brought before a Joint Commission made up of Iran, Russia, China, the three European signatories, and the European Union. If the panel fails to resolve the dispute, the matter will then come before the United Nations Security Council.

Having covered Europe, and Germany in particular, since the day Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the continent to mass migration in the autumn of 2015, I often feel like a chronicler of doom. The multicultural utopia promised by the EU politicians and the media talking-heads has made way for the nightmare of Islamic terrorism, mass sexual assaults, and knife crimes of epidemic proportions. This year was no different. The compilation of my 2019 posts below reflects the grim reality that mainstream media chooses to deny.

Germans regard U.S. President Donald Trump to be the "greatest threat to world peace," a latest YouGov poll shows. About 41 percent of German respondents picked U.S. President as most dangerous from a list of world leaders which included Iran's Islamic tyrant Ayatollah Khamenei, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Communist China's Xi Jinping, and Russia's Vladimir Putin. More than 2000 Germans were polled for the survey.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened Europe with a new migrant wave if the conflict in Syria continues to escalate, German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported. European nations, particularly the neighboring country of Greece, "will feel" the migrant surge, the Turkish leader warned on Sunday.