The choice for Best Bumper Sticker of the Year was a tough one. I appreciate the nominations from readers.
My choice came down to which bumper sticker most concisely and vividly reflected my mood and the mood of Legal Insurrection readers.
Here are the results:
1st Place – “Actually, No One Owes You Crap” – pretty much sums up the disgust with the entitlement state and entitlement mentality.
2nd Place – OMG WTF – which stands for Obama Means Good, Win The Future.
3rd Place – OMG, Obama Must Go
Runners Up
Updates – Worst Bumper Sticker of the Year, Best Tweet of the Year, Worst Tweet of the Year.

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I think I saw a sign of the coming apocalypse last night…..Barnes and Noble has a “NOBAMA 2012” calendar complete with a countdown to his dethroning. Granted, this was in Florence, SC but still, when a bookstore is selling such, well wow!
My husband was tickled that one he found/submitted was the #1 choice!! Thank you, whoever you are, riding around in that plastered vehicle!!!
Great choices. Congrats to your husband!
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