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Carter theory of relativity

Carter theory of relativity

Thanks to frequent photographer Jason, who writes:

taken about a week ago in Raleigh, NC…(I was in the passenger seat, so no safety rules were violated)…note the small sticker on the bottom left also…


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It will take a decade or more to undo the damage the Administration has intentionally wrought in the last three years. Was Carter just a clueless bumbler who lived in a fantasy world?

Just when I think I’ve reached “outrage exhaustion”, I check the headlines and find another unthinkably bizarre outrage.

Let’s hope and pray there’s another similarity to Jimmah – a one term Presidency.

    GrumpyOne in reply to logos. | December 6, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    Ain’t that the truth!

    And we don’t have a Ronald Reagan around to undo what has been disassembled.

    My thoughts exactly…

Carter may well be the only person to actually benefit from Obama’s misrule. By comparison, Obama makes him look good.

As an added bonus: after we through Obama out, Carter can let him take his place as Spokesman for Hamas and retire.