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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

The Wuhan coronavirus forced New York to move its presidential primary from April 28 to June 23. But as the outbreak continues, the New York Board of Elections chose to remove Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from the ballot since he stopped campaigning and canceled the primary since former Vice President Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee.

Instead of covering valuable information about the Wuhan coronavirus, the MSM has a nasty habit of concentrating on President Donald Trump. Dr. Deborah Birx, the coronavirus response coordinator, has had enough of the childish behavior. She rightfully called out the MSM, so, of course, the media did everything it could to attack her.

Howdy! We're super excited about our first ever live (online) event. The discussion was hosted by moi, Legal Insurrection's Senior Contributing Editor and the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation, Kemberlee Kaye. Legal Insurrection publisher and Cornell Law Professor, William Jacobson headed up the discussion.

Protests were held in Berlin and other German cities against the lockdown measures imposed in the wake of coronavirus pandemic. On Saturday, around 1000 protesters came out in German capital Berlin and hundreds in the southern German cities of Stuttgart and Würzburg against restrictions in place since March 22, German newspapers reported.

There they go again.  The media has completely abrogated any semblance of journalistic integrity since President Trump was elected. Further evidence occurred this week after Trump engaged in some characteristic thinking out loud during a coronavirus briefing; the media rushed to spread as widely as possible their—wildly inaccurate—interpretation of his comments.

British lawmakers and government officials have been told not to use the video conferencing platform Zoom due to concerns over Chinese surveillance, the London-based newspaper Guardian reported on Friday. The UK intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), cautioned them against using the web-based service for official or confidential matters -- especially if they relate to China. The top British Intelligence service specifically warned the senior Members of Parliament "not use it to talk about things detrimental to the interests of China," the daily added.