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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

Do not let the United Nations fool you. Although it may have essentially closed its doors in favor of online meetings in the age of coronavirus, its obsessive anti-Israel bias is alive and well. Through its numerous bodies, the UN falsely paints Israeli policy, not COVID-19 itself, as the primary threat to Palestinian health.

On Tuesday night, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio oversaw the police breaking up a Hasidic funeral for a rabbi who died of the Wuhan coronavirus. De Blasio lashed out at the Jewish community (but made sure to also say "all communities" to probably try to save his butt) in a tweet, which has set off anger and condemnation from all fronts.

European governments are moving towards the easing of Wuhan coronavirus lockdowns, media reports suggest. Many European countries, including Germany, France, Spain, and Italy, have begun working on their respective "exit plans" to restore normalcy as the spread of coronavirus in their countries slows down.

While the Wuhan coronavirus is a real problem, our often one-size-fits-all response appears to be creating still more problems, particularly in terms of our nation's health care system.  Cancer screenings and surgeries, most diagnostic screenings unrelated to the coronavirus, and many necessary quality of life surgeries have been canceled or postponed indefinitely to keep hospitals free to handle a massive influx of coronavirus patients. An influx that in most parts of the country hasn't happened. The resultant loss of medical professionals' jobs, loss of revenue to hospitals, and potential loss of patient life (or quality of life) are creating a whole new healthcare crisis across the country.

President Donald Trump's comments at a recent Coronavirus Task Force briefing led to distorted press reports implying that he proposed drinking bleach and Lysol to fight coronavirus. However, his remarks have led others to explore another technology he mentioned: Ultraviolet Light Treatment.

A Brooklyn man who describes himself as a "progressive, socialist, bicyclist, feminist, environmentalist, globalist, he/him" and native New Yorker on his Twitter page caught New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray out for a walk on Saturday in Brooklyn's Prospect Park. The man, who goes by @brooklyn_darren on Twitter, didn't take issue with the fact they were out for a walk on a sunny day. The problem, he stated, was that they were 12 miles away from their Gracie Mansion home, which is already in the middle of a park.

Today's update features two California doctors, who assert that the state does not need the "shelter-in-place" orders. Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi are co-owners of a chain of Accelerated Urgent Care facilities, in Bakersfield. They have evaluated the state reports and reviewed the data collecting after conducting more than 5,000 coronavirus tests themselves.