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Wisconsin Tag

One big advantage Democrats in Wisconsin have is the college student vote.  These students, many of whom are from out of state and have no real connection to Wisconsin, were a big part of the Prosser-Kloppenburg turnout in Madison.  In a close election, they could be the...

While Richard Mourdock is rising, don't count Dick Lugar out.  He's throwing everything he has at Mourdock this week, each day multiple new accusations.  A poll just out shows Lugar with a two point lead, via National Journal: Sen. Richard Lugar and Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock...

or a way to motivate the opposition to Walker? You be the judge.  The argument is that anti-Walker forces, particularly the younger newer voters, just aren't motivated. From Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN, Huge Obstacles to Beating Scott Walker in Wisconsin Recall: The life-and-death struggle in Wisconsin to...

Two standout appearances at Chicago's Tea Party this Monday were familiar faces from Saturday's Wisconsin event: BigJournalism's Dana Loesch and Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. These two women, working moms who are relatively recent entrants into the political fray, are examples of one of the most...

A PPP poll for Daily Kos shows Gov. Scott Walker in a good position: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker leads all of his Democratic challengers in the Wisconsin recall election, per a new Public Policy Polling poll out this afternoon. Walker, the incumbent governor, has a 5-point lead...

Thanks to Charlie Sykes for reminding us that Scott Walker is not the only target in the June 5 Wisconsin recall elections: Other conservative moms have been subjected sexist attacks, but few have had to endure the volume of vile epithets raw hate directed at Becky. She has...

From reader John: I've been reading and enjoying your blog for a couple of years now. I particularly look forward to the wack job liberals and their off the wall bumper stickers. I live in WI and came across this vehicle which shows the right side...

I have posted before about the daily anti-Walker ritual chanting in the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison. The other day a group of visiting student basketball teams stood on the balcony as the anti-Walker Solidarity Singers went through their usual ritual, but then turned the tables by breaking...

As previously posted, it appears that there were sufficient recall petition signatures submitted to hold recall elections as to Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, and several Republican state Senators. One of those state Senators, Pam Galloway, unexpectedly announced yesterday she was resigning and would not...

Is the date the Wisconsin GAB is proposing for all recall elections, via TPM: Wisconsin election officials have now closed in on a proposed date for holding the the state’s wave of recalls: June 5, an extension of one week. The Government Accountability Board (GAB), the non-partisan...

place where judges act strangely, Judge draws flak for signing Walker recall petition and Judge Flanagan must step aside in voter ID case: After signing a petition to force a recall of Gov. Scott Walker, the liberal judge had the audacity to issue a temporary injunction against the...

That would be the result of a successful recall of Gov. Scott Walker. From Heritage Foundation via CharlieSykes: ...

As I reported the other day, petition signature checkers supporting Gov. Scott Walker are on track to identify between 100,000-200,000 invalid signatures on recall petitions. That number does not even include duplicate signatures, and we know that duplicates are a big problem. Supporters of Gov. Walker, however, need more...

Signature checkers are on track to find between 100,000-200,000 invalid signatures on WI Recall petitions, out of approximately 1 million submitted.  It's too little to stop the recall election being certified, but is a good indication of massive fraud. IBD rhetorically asks, Why Do Democrats Want to Protect Voter Fraud? ...

There is nothing more important we can do between now and the November election than to help Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defeat the recall effort. Don't let the thugs, Godwins, and head cases win.  Help Wisconsin and the nation end this long, strange trip. Links to how to...

The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board steadfastly refused to disqualify duplicate signatures and clearly fictitious signatures on petitions to recall Scott Walker, and to this day has rejected the efforts of private citizens to bring recall petition fraud to its attention. But with all the bad publicity regarding fraud...