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White Privilege Tag

Back in November 2020, we covered the case of Valentina Azarova, a Germany-based “human rights scholar” who was denied the directorship of the University of Toronto School of Law International Human Rights Program (IHRP). Outraged, her supporters complained that a Jewish alumnus and donor—a sitting Tax Court judge ill-disposed to Azarova's work on "Israel's occupation of Palestine"—prevented her hire via behind-the-scenes pressure. Now, an independent investigation has disproven this claim, but Azarova's advocates are sticking to—and relentlessly spreading—their original, false narrative.

Smith College is a very leftist women's college in central Massachusetts. As with many colleges and universities around the country, it is implementing Critical Race Theory ("CRT") training, including how students, faculty, administrators, and staff should deal with their "white privilege." One staff member has just gone public, revealing the insulting and discriminatory nature of such CRT training. She released a video on YouTube, which has led to the expected reaction, including a statement from the President of Smith College denouncing the staff member's views, but promising not to fire her over it, because the statements were made off campus and the staff member has union job protection.

Everyone has been focused for the past two days on the story in The Atlantic, attributed to anonymous sources, about things Trump supposedly said about troops two years ago, something so far that every person who has gone on record has denied. While you were focused on that Crisis News Cycle, Trump took a step the implications of which could be devastating over time to the peddlers of racial conflict under the academic construct of Critical Race Theory.

A small group of students at UC Berkeley recently protested a midterm exam. They accused the professor of not checking his privilege and seemed angry at other students for not siding with them. They were clearly trying to tie the situation to race and immigration but the whole thing was so ridiculous that no one was taking them seriously. Ian Miles Cheong reported at the Daily Caller:

If you're among the "oceans of white folk" agonizing over centuries of white privilege and the systemic oppression of black people, Michael Eric Dyson has the solution to your anguish.  This sociology professor from Georgetown thinks that white people who find themselves consumed by this anxiety should set up "individual reparations accounts." The New York Times interviewed Dyson last month about this "benediction" section.

A writer for the Huffington Post named La Sha has found an upside to the story of the American college student being imprisoned in North Korea. He's finally been stripped of his white male privilege. I wish I could say this is parody, but it isn't:
North Korea Proves Your White Male Privilege Is Not Universal “That’s what the hell he gets. Good for him!” My mother had uttered those words in her typical matter-of-fact tone one morning as she watched the news. “He” was Michael Fay, an 18-year-old from Ohio who had confessed to vandalizing cars in Singapore, and was subsequently sentence to six lashes from a rattan cane. I was in sixth grade and all I could imagine was how horrible the pain would be. My mother was unmoved at the thought, remarking, “He earned that.”

The other day we showed the full Rebel Pundit video of the anti-Trump protest on the streets of Chicago. It was not hard to guess which segment would go viral. It is this woman demanding that the videographer (I think it was Andrew Marcus for that segment) either leave or dismantle his white male privilege. Now it is viral on Twitter: Language Warning

White supremacy, white privilege, whatever you want to call it, it's the attempt to "other" white people in America and to essentially blame all problems encountered by minorities on "white" power structures and on "white" justice systems. Obama and Eric Holder are big proponents, as we know, and as we've seen recently, so are all sorts of people in positions of power from the Al Sharptons right down to the local "community organizer." The good news is that you don't have to actually participate in this as a white person . . .  or even be aware of it, actually. If you're white (and male--doubly bad), you are racist even if you think you aren't, and you bask in a privilege that encircles you like a fluffy protective bubble, bouncing you from opportunity to opportunity from riches to more riches. All because you are white. Don't try to confuse the issue by noting that the president, former attorney general, and various well-paid MSNBC host proponents of white privilege are not actually white and are, by anyone's definition, privileged. This doesn't matter. Because white privilege! As Rick Moran writes:
What makes the academic study of “white supremacy” and “white privilege” so perfect for racialists is that it requires absolutely no parameters of study. There are no standards of proof. There is no way any claims can be vetted in peer-reviewed journals because the “evidence” can be explained by other factors. Anything and everything can be pointed to as being a result of white supremacy or white privilege because of one’s personal worldview — looking at the entire world through a prism of race. And apparently, you don’t even need a white person around for white supremacy to rear its ugly head.
This is just as absurd as it sounds, but it is what is behind much public policy today. From our universities to our local police stations, from the federal government to our local places of worship (well, the "white" ones), our culture is being fundamentally transformed.

White privilege is the political Swiss Army Knife of the progressive movement. There is literally nothing that happens in the country for which white privilege does not serve as a tool. If you are white, you have white privilege. If you are not, you suffer from lack of white privilege. The insane White Privilege Conference exposed recently is just one example, but certainly liberal websites partake as well. But what to make of our increasingly multi-racial society? How do you squeeze white privilege into the actions of multi-racial perps? We know that with George Zimmerman, the problem of half-whiteness was solved by labeling him just plain old white, or at most, a white Hispanic. Never was Zimmerman just Hispanic. What to make of the UCSB mass murderer who was half white and half Asian? is a long-time purveyor of all manner of white privilege political arguments.  Joan Walsh has twisted into an intellectual knot to justify bringing white privilege to bear while also acknowledging the half-whiteness. The answer? Half-White Privilege. Elliot Rodger’s half-white male privilege:
Not that I have a lot of sympathy for Rodger, but it twists his already twisted story to label him simply white.... Why is it so hard to recognize Rodger as of mixed racial descent? It certainly doesn’t negate the role white entitlement and privilege played in his “syndrome.” Rodger is at least partly a victim of the ideology of white supremacy, as well as its violent enforcer....