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White House Tag

First Lady Melania Trump's Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham resigned tonight after the violence at the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters. Grisham was the first person to resign. Reports indicate others have as well and higher-ranking members are thinking about it.

As we've previously documented, if it's a day ending in "y," it's also one where mainstream media reporters are going to take a Republican out of context and spread fake news stories about them because of narratives and Orange Man Bad. The most recent example of this happening was Thursday during the daily White House press briefing. The issue of whether or not public schools should fully reopen has been a hot topic of much discussion in recent days. President Trump has pushed for in-person school attendance while some governors are opting for a combination of either in-person schooling and remote/online learning, or remote instruction only.

If you heard a lot of "dayums" Wednesday afternoon but weren't sure where they were coming from, it was very likely due to new White House Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. She gave a Reuters reporter an epic answer after he asked about past statements she made on the Trump administration's response to the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.

Former White House Chief of Staff and RNC Chair Reince Priebus and former White House Press Secretary (also RNC alum) Sean Spicer were recently appointed to a White House Commission.

Chris Grant, 50, received praise from the media and Robert O'Rourke due to his heroic actions during the El Paso Walmart shooting in August. But Secret Service arrested him just before President Donald Trump would honor him for his actions. Turns out Grant has an outstanding arrest warrant and the El Paso police have refuted his story.