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United Nations Tag

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for "Palestinian Refugees" (UNRWA) has been suspended amid ongoing investigations into widespread corruption under his watch. Internal investigations "revealed management issues which relate specifically to the (UNRWA) Commissioner-General" Pierre Krahenbuhl, a statement issued by the UN said on Wednesday.

The Netherlands and Belgium have joined Switzerland in freezing funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) amid reports of a major corruption and sexual misconduct scandal surrounding the organization. The report included names of top UNRWA officials, such as Director-General Pierre Krähenbühl.

A leaked internal report implicated top officials from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in a major corruption scandal including sex crimes and abuse of power. The UN agency's ethics office described the charges as "an extremely grave and significant reputational, operational and security risk to the agency." The senior UNRWA officials were involved in "sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority, for personal gain, to suppress legitimate dissent, and to otherwise achieve their personal objectives," copy of the report obtained by the AFP news agency said.

The United Nations once again established its reputation as a forum for smearing and delegitimizing the State of Israel. The UN's Economic and Social Council passed a resolution condemning Israel as the only country in the world that violates women's rights. The 54-nation UN council passed the resolution by a margin of 40 to 2, with nine abstentions. The United States and Canada were the only member nations that voted against the resolution. The supporters of the move included the who's who of the leading violators of women's and human rights such as Iran, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Sudan. India, Israel's prominent defense ally, joined the arch-rival Pakistan in condemning the Jewish State. Germany and the United Kingdom were among nine nations that abstained from voting.

In a historic move, India has voted in favor of Israel at the United Nations. Syed Akbaruddin, the Indian representative at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), supported an Israeli motion against granting observer status to a Palestinian non-governmental organization linked to jihadi terrorist groups Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Israel has refused to renew a visa for Omar Shakir of Human Rights Watch (HRW) to remain in Israel as a human rights worker, based on his long history of anti-Israel activism. This has caused a storm of controversy and lawsuits, leading to the fair question: Is Shakir entitled to a work visa to promote human rights if what he really is promoting is anti-Israel activism and the destruction of Israel? Not surprisingly, the international media has taken Shakir's side.

We have extensively documented how the supposedly "peaceful protests" at the Gaza-Israel border fence are, in reality, Hamas and Islamic Jihad military terror operations using some civilians as cover, including women and children. The so-called ‘Great March of Return’ is turned on and off by Hamas as its needs require. See our prior posts for images and video:

Berlin will be lobbying the United Nations to secure a permanent seat at the Security Council for the European Union, German state media said. "Over the next two years, Germany's main concern will be to try and ensure that the European Union as a whole is given a permanent seat," public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported Tuesday. This year, Germany takes up the non-permanent seat at the Council for a two year term.

Representatives from around 150 countries signed the United Nations migration pact in Morocco on Monday. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, as the agreement is formally known, aims to create a legal framework to handle growing migration from impoverished third world countries to the Western world -- overriding the immigration policies of the individual nation states. German Chancellor Merkel, whose open border policies drew millions of asylum seekers from North Africa and the Middle East into Europe in recent years, hailed the signing of the pact as an "important day." It was is about "nothing less than the foundation of our international cooperation," she added. The German leader "received a standing ovation on Monday after an impassioned speech," the UK newspaper The Guardian reported.

President Donald Trump will nominate State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert to take over as UN Ambassador to replace Nikki Haley. From The Washington Examiner:
“Heather Nauert will be nominated [for U.S. ambassador]. She's done work with Nikki Haley to replace Nikki at the United Nations. She will be ambassador to the United Nations,” Trump told reporters on the White House lawn before departing for a trip to Kansas City, Mo.

The European Union is in the midst of a political turmoil over the ratification of the United Nations pact on migration. The resistance to the pact is galvanizing in Europe ahead of the December 10 deadline when the representatives from some 180 UN member states will meet in Morocco, a Muslim-majority country in North Africa, to formally adopt the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration," as the pact is officially called.

Belgium became the latest EU country to get sucked into the crisis, with its ruling coalition teetering on the brink of collapse over the migration dispute. The country's right-wing New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) broke away from the ruling alliance amid sharp disagreements over the UN pact. The N-VA regards the agreement as an infringement of Belgian sovereignty. "In our democracy, we decide. The sovereignty is with the people," the party said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has successfully lobbied the United Nations to classify Climate Change as legitimate grounds for migration, a communique issued by the German parliament disclosed. "In order to shape migration in the context of Climate Change in sustainable manner, Germany advocated to recognize Climate Change as basis for migration in international negotiations for the global migration pact," a parliamentary bulletin surfaced on Monday said.  The document was made public on Twitter by Ralf Schuler, the parliamentary correspondent for the German newspaper Bild.

*UPDATE 2:42PM: Ukraine's parliament has approved "martial law for 30 days in the regions bordering" Russia. The undeclared war between Ukraine and Russia took a horrific turn on Sunday after Ukraine claimed that Russia opened fire on its navy in the Kerch Strait, which separates the Black and Azoz Seas. The attack wounded six sailors and Russia seized at least three Ukrainian vessels.

Erik Solheim, the head of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), has been forced to resign after an internal audit report questioning his huge travel expense surfaced in the media. Solheim, a green politician and former Norwegian Environment Minister, had spent almost half a million dollars jet-setting around the world. Solheim stepped down after cerain UN member states threatened to withhold funding over the latest revelations. According to a UK media report: "Countries unhappy with Solheim’s conduct were holding back tens of millions of dollars, threatening a financial crisis at the body."