Tucker Carlson | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 6
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I appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to talk about Elizabeth Warren's representation of Dow Chemical in breast implant litigation, and how she has not been forthright about her role. She portrays herself as having fought for the women, when the reality was quite different. The Washington Post recently published an investigation that confirmed my prior reporting that Warren's representation of Dow Chemical, the parent corporation of the breast implant manufacturer, Dow Corning, was not to help the women.

There has been near complete silence by national media regarding Gibson's Bakery v. Oberlin College, which we have covered since the initial protests through the current ongoing trial. The case is proceeding under the national media radar no more, as Tucker Carlson covered the case tonight. I was a guest on the program to discuss the implications of the case.

Media Matters has a mission. It exists for the purpose of removing conservative voices from the airwaves. They're the same people who targeted Rush Limbaugh in 2012, and have been targeting Fox News for over a decade, as Professor Jacobson wrote in 2011, Media Matters Plans “Guerrilla Warfare and Sabotage” on Fox News And Conservative Websites.

Tucker Carlson is already dealing with the fact that an Antifa mob showed up at his house and terrorized his wife, but now there has been another incident. While dining at a country club in Virginia with two of his children, one of his daughters was allegedly harassed by a patron who made positively vile comments to her. It was so bad, the man's membership in the club was ultimately revoked. And now the creepy porn lawyer is "investigating" the incident.

While Tucker Carlson was on the air in the Washington, DC, FOX News studio on Wednesday night, a mob of Antifa thugs assembled outside of his home and threatened him and his family. The group that did this is Smash Racism DC, the same folks who harassed Ted Cruz and his wife at a restaurant last month.

Last weekend, I covered the latest caravan of illegal immigrants careening toward our southern border, and on Friday, Mary blogged about President Trump considering executive action to narrow requirements for asylum-seekers. Now we are learning that thousands of illegal immigrants currently making their way through Mexico have been offered refugee status by the Mexican government.  Refugee status in Mexico would make the illegal aliens eligible for medical care, schooling, shelter, and jobs.  The offer was rejected.