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Trump Foreign Policy Tag

On a morning when you would have expected the Morning Joe panel to be all about Trump's CNN wrestling tweet, a Washington Post editor/columnist painted an amazingly positive portrait of the president's actions in Syria. WaPo's David Ignatius has just returned from a week in Syria. He was almost apologetic in prefacing his remarks: "I'm going to say something that in some ways is sympathetic to Trump." He then proceeded to say that he was told by top US commanders that "the most daring and decisive" attack in the battle of Raqqa would not have happened if it hadn't been for President Trump's decision to delegate authority to commanders in the field.

Combatting Islamist terror was high on the agenda when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the White House on his first official visit since President Donald Trump took office. "We are both determined to destroy terrorist organizations and the radical ideology that drives them. We will destroy radical Islamic terrorism," President Trump said in his joint statement with the Indian Prime Minister at the Rose Garden. "We discussed the serious challenges of terrorism, extremism, and radicalisation, which are the major challenges facing the world today.  And we have agreed to enhance our cooperation in fighting against these scourges," Prime Minister Modi said.

Amid growing strategic and defense ties, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Donald Trump will hold their first bilateral meeting in Washington on Monday. "Donald Trump will host visiting Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a "working dinner" on Monday, the first for a foreign leader by the US President at the White House in his five-month term," leading Indian daily India Express reported. Ahead of Monday’s meeting, President Trump took to Twitter to welcome Indian Prime Minister, calling him a 'true friend.'

President Donald Trump announced a few changes to former President Barack Obama's Cuba policy. These changes include different travel requirements and the enforcement of an embargo against the brutal Communist regime:
“You look at what happened and what communism has done,” he listed. “Believers persecuted for preaching the word of God, you watch the Women in White – bruised, bloodied, and captured on their way from Mass, you have heard the chilling cries of loved ones or the cracks of firing squads piercing through the ocean breeze — not a good sound.” “This is the simple truth of the Castro regime: my administration will not hide from it, excuse it, or glamorize it, and we will never, ever be blind to it. We know what is going on and we remember what happened,” Trump promised.

The American media's obsession with James Comey has distracted them from covering important Trump Administration actions (i.e., the appointment of 11 conservative judges). President Trump has used Twitter and pressers like Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov used dog treats... to evoke a specific response. These diversions keep the "professional journalists" from noticing how rapidly and effectively Obama era policies have been ended. Friday's press conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is a great example.

Reuters has reported that President Donald Trump's administration has started to think about possible sanctions against Venezuela's lucrative oil sector. The sanctions would include PDVSA, the country's state oil company. Venezuela continues to see protests against socialist President Nicolás Maduro, but he keeps cracking down on the opposition to keep his power. His policies have decimated the oil rich country, which have left the people starving and without proper medical care. A strike to Venezuela's top economic source would surely decimate his administration. The country "relies on oil for some 95 percent of export revenues." This means the administration must proceed with caution.

With Europe in the grip of Jihadi terrorism and an ever-worsening migrant crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to isolate Germany and take rest of the Europe with her. "The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I have experienced that in the last few days," Chancellor Merkel said at an election rally in the city of Munich. "We Europeans must really take our destiny in our own hands." Chancellor Merkel's defiant talk was "applauded by 2,000 listeners" present in a Munich beer tent, local media reported. "Merkel doesn't consider the U.S. a reliable partner anymore," wrote the German newspaper Die Welt.  Merkel "has no confidence in transatlantic relationship writes Munich's Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

While in Saudi Arabia, President Donald Trump signed a $110 billion arms deal with the kingdom. The White House has claimed the deal "includes defense equipment and other support to help the Arab nation and the rest of the Gulf region fight again terrorism and the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran." But Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has a problem with the munitions part of the deal due to Saudi Arabia's continued coalition in Yemen against the ousted government.

While President Donald Trump had a busy day getting all the 28 NATO partners on board the global anti-ISIS alliance, former President Barak Obama appeared at a youth rally in Berlin alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The event in Berlin was organised to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Taking a swipe at his successor’s immigration policy, Obama got cheers from audiences in Berlin with meaningless platitudes like “we can’t hide behind a wall.” Yes, Obama decried walls as he sat fenced behind a security cover with “helicopters patrol[ling] the skies and snipers with balaclavas watch[ing] the scene from nearby rooftops” -- as one news-outlet described it.

President Donald Trump seems to have achieved a significant foreign policy aim ahead of his meeting with the leaders of 28 NATO member states. According to the reports in German media, France and Germany have formally agreed to join the US-led coalition against the Islamic State. "After sustained pressure from Washington, NATO will be joining the international coalition," German newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung wrote. Other reports suggest that Manchester’s deadly terror attack, for which ISIS claimed responsibility, may have played a role in convincing Germany and France in joining the global alliance to destroy the Islamist terror group. Despite Germany’s consent, there is trouble brewing in Merkel’s camp. Her second-in-command, German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, has placed conditions on the proposed alliance, telling reporters that "combat operations were not part of NATO agreement. [NATO] is a defense alliance."

With Europe under permanent siege, a fact that Monday night’s deadly terrorist attack in the British city of Manchester again painfully drove home, leftist agitators are hoping to gather in their thousands in the Belgian capital of Brussels to "protest" President Donald Trump's visit. "Tens of thousands" are expected at the anti-Trump march in Brussels on Wednesday, British newspaper Guardian wrote. Brussels-based ringleaders of the anti-Trump protests were mad at President Trump for “excluding people”, “denying global warming,” and “intimidating the media.” On their website the organisers urged that they "would like to see pussy hats in all shapes and colours to show our resistance against Trump." Among Far-Left political parties and unions, the UK-based charity Oxfam and the 'environmental' group Greenpeace have been listed as the sponsors of the protest.

President Donald Trump has arrived in Israel, which he will visit for two days. In fact, his flight to Israel from Saudi Arabia is the first non-stop flight between the two countries that have no diplomatic ties. We will publish updates on Trump's visit, a truly historic one since Israel remains our most important ally in the Middle East. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and his wife Nechama and Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife Sara greeted Trump and First Lady Melania Trump as the two descended from Air Force One.

In Saudi Arabia for his first foreign trip as president, President Trump delivered a speech on Islamic extremism and the need for the world to unite against and eradicate it.  Trump urged the Muslim-majority countries to "take the lead in combating radicalization" and to expel Islamist extremists from their places of worship, communities, holy lands, and the planet. Some highlights from the full text of President Trump's speech.
"I stand before you as a representative of the American People, to deliver a message of friendship and hope. That is why I chose to make my first foreign visit a trip to the heart of the Muslim world, to the nation that serves as custodian of the two holiest sites in the Islamic Faith." "Our vision is one of peace, security, and prosperity—in this region, and in the world. Our goal is a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism and providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to God."

President Donald Trump welcomed Turkish dictator president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House Tuesday. A group of protesters outside of the Turkish Embassy showed support for the groups that Erdogan regularly cracks down on in Turkey. Erdogan's bodyguards did not appreciate this move and decided to pummel the protesters in broad daylight...on Embassy Row.

According to The New York Times, former FBI Director James Comey wrote a memo on February 14 that President Donald Trump asked him to let go of an investigation into Michael Flynn, the former national security advisor. However, the NYT admitted that the reporters did not see the memo and "a Comey associate read parts of it to a reporter over the phone." The source (remember the source isn't even Comey) claimed the memo said this:
“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Yesterday, The Washington Post caused mass hysteria when it released a report that President Donald Trump provided highly classified information to the Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador. Of course the publication used anonymous sources. National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster denied the story through a written statement and in front of the press. Then today he went before the press again and told reporters that Trump did not compromise any sources or methods to the Russians. He described the discussion as "wholly appropriate."

North Korea launched another missile, and according to both the U.S. and South Korea, their latest attempt was a failure. Moments after taking off, the missile exploded. The failed launch occurred shortly after Secretary of State Tillerson urged the UN to levy more economic sanctions against North Korea.