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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows a generic ballot lead for the 2018 congressional midterms ... in favor of Republicans. WUT?

Jonathan Oddi, 42, was taken to the hospital with multiple gunshot wounds to his legs after a shootout with Miami-Dade police at a Trump-owned golf course. Oddi snuck into the resort through a back entrance sometime around 1:30 AM ET, carrying with him an American flag he lifted from the back of the complex.

The MSM wonders why the majority of America cannot stand them. It's probably because of the way they twist and edit President Donald Trump's words. The New York Times, The Washington Post, and others all claimed that Trump called "some unauthorized immigrants" animals during a rant. No. He referred to members of the dangerous MS-13 gang as animals.

Leftist billionaire Tom Steyer has made no secret of his desire to see President Trump impeached, and he has been putting his billions where his mouth is. His latest ad-buy via his Next Gen PAC goes beyond attacking Trump and demonizes every left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning American who votes Republican in this country.  Given Democrats' massive, humiliating losses at every level of government, that's a lot of people. The "Mother's Day" ad warns that the GOP is turning kids into misogynist, thieving, Trump-supporting bullies who march for white supremacy.

A new mural at a California charter school in a southern suburb of San Diego has quickly become notorious. The artist depicted President Trump's head on a spear.
The recently unveiled mural at the MAAC Charter School in Chula Vista, San Diego, depicts an Aztec warrior spearing Mr. Trump's decapitated, bloody head. By Wednesday, a black tarp was covering the picture after the display attracted attention.

As we've been covering here at LI, Gina Haspel is President Trump's pick to head the CIA.  She has been blasted for her role in overseeing then-legal and -authorized enhanced interrogation techniques against Islamist terrorists. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has issued a statement in which he urges the Senate not to confirm Haspel due to her role in enhanced interrogation.  The problem with this, however, is that he voted to confirm John Brennan to the CIA's top spot, knowing full-well Brennan's role in enhanced interrogation.

UPDATE 10:30 PM: Schneiderman has resigned:
"It’s been my great honor and privilege to serve as Attorney General for the people of the State of New York," Schneiderman said in a statement. "In the last several hours, serious allegations, which I strongly contest, have been made against me. While these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct or the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time. I therefore resign my office, effective at the close of business on [Tuesday]."

Victor Davis Hanson recently spoke at Cornell, but unfortunately I was out of town at the time. I would have loved to meet him, he's one of the most insightful authors. In my 9th Anniversary post on October 12, 2017, Legal Insurrection is 9 years old, and filled with dread, I wrote about the "rising tide of absolutism in ideas and enforcement of ideological uniformity that is palpable" on the left, and "what it will mean to live without institutions."

West University Place councilwoman Kellye Burke was charged with disorderly conduct after she yelled obscenities at a Trump shirt wearing teenage girl. It's worth noting that Burke is also a Mom's Demand Action activist. The girl and her friends were waiting in line at a bake shop when Burke yelled, "Grab her by the p**** girls!" and "MAGA!" repeatedly, according the girls.

Michelle Wolf's performance at last night's White House Correspondents' Dinner (WHCD) has created quite a stir. President Trump, for the second year in a row, held a rally rather than attend. Wolf, apparently a correspondent on the Late Show with that new guy, blasted President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as well as making some pointed remarks about the state of today's journalism. Some of her comments, however, are seen as crossing a line, particularly points about Sanders.

Oh boy. I admit my jaw dropped when I saw that Fox News host Sean Hannity is the third client of Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's attorney, Social media erupted and Twitter-lawyers came out in full force to spin the narrative to their liking. After all, Cohen appeared on Hannity's show a few times like in the featured image. Here are some of the best ones.