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Trump Administration Tag

President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will leave at the end of the month. From Fox News:
Trump's announcement came moments before he made remarks at a White House event on its "Second Chance" program boosting hiring of criminals who have served their sentences. "We've been through a lot together and she's tough, but she's good," Trump said at the event Thursday.

President Donald Trump asserted executive privilege over 2020 census documents sought by the House Oversight Committee for its investigation into an added citizenship question. The move came right before the Democrat-led committee prepared to vote Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt for not providing subpoenaed materials.

On a scale of 1 - "I'm not desperate, you're desperate! ::nervous laugh::", Democrats standing somewhere between "shoot ourselves in the foot twice and try to make an issue of something no one cares about" and "this is literally all the eggs we own right here in this shoddy little basket." Friday, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee issued a subpoena to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig demanding Trump's tax returns.

The long-awaited release of the Mueller report revealed, unequivocally, that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. However, Mueller's decision to lay out the case against Trump with regard to obstruction, and doing so without pursuing indictments against him or anyone else in his circle, has had  predictable results: the left is screaming for Trump's scalp, and the Trump White House and his supporters are declaring vindication.

Earlier this week, Kemberlee blogged that Mattis was resigning at the end of February.  You can read his resignation letter here. The timeline has been changed by President Trump, however, and now Mattis will be leaving his position as Defense Secretary as of January 1, 2019.  The current Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will become Acting Secretary on January 1st.

Although General John Kelly had agreed to stay in his position until 2020, President Trump is reportedly removing Kelly from his position as White House Chief of Staff. Kelly was brought in to replace Reince Priebus and instill order to the chaotic Trump White House, and by all accounts he did an admirable job. Trump has announced that Kelly will leave his position by the end of the year.