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Trump 2020 Tag

Georgia Democratic State Rep. Vernon Jones endorsed President Donald Trump for 2020 last week. But he resigned on Tuesday after the intense backlash he received because God forbid he has an opinion that differs from those around him.

Former Vice President Joe Biden has a massive lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), so why the concern over money? President Donald Trump and the GOP continue to swim in money. If Biden wants to compete, he needs the resources. The coronavirus is making it harder for Biden to raise those needed funds.

We've all seen how the mainstream media lives in NY and DC bubbles. Regardless of where they came from, they often embody the shock at how people outside the coastal and liberal bubbles live. They *literally* didn't know anyone who voted for Trump, so they were shocked that 60 million people did so. On campuses, which are feeding grounds for journo bubbles, there were crying circles on election night 2016.

An ABC News-Washington Post poll found out that the thriving and robust economy has helped President Donald Trump against the 2020 Democrat presidential hopefuls. Buried lede: The Democrats lead shrink a lot when you only count registered voters.

The protests outside of President Donald Trump's Minnesota rally took a violent turn as supporters left the Target Center. I guess the supporters triggered the anti-Trump people just by their presence because they then burned Trump memorabilia like the MAGA hats, confronted the police, and threw urine.