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Tea Party Tag

You know I have a big problem with Michele Bachmann making statements which are not supported by facts and then repeating them endlessly. Her campaign is up to much worse in South Carolina, where her local campaign manager has suggested that the Gingrich campaign has paid...

Richard Mourdock has been suggested by reader Listkeeper in the Tip Line as a possible Focus for his primary challenge to Richard Lugar.  He has the backing of the Indiana Tea Party. HuffPo says this is the only remaining Senate race where a Tea Party backed...

Because these are the types of headlines from Tea Party rallies: Occupy Wall Street Protester Threatens Fox 5 News Reporter Report: Fights erupt among Occupy Wall Street protesters Occupy Madison loses permit (due to public masterbation) Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally In one sense, it's...

I attended the Occupy Ithaca rally today, which was scheduled as a mass peaceful demonstration starting at noon outside a Bank of America branch in downtown Ithaca As of 12:30 p.m., when I dropped by, there were about a dozen people holding signs.  I kind of...

No, not Occupy Wall Street or Occupy anything. That was the estimate by Nate Silver (then of 538 blog, now of The NY Times) of the April 15, 2009 Tax Day Tea Parties.  Silver noted the upward adjustment of the Tea Party rally in Atlanta from...

The silent majority. The ones who pay the bills, and the taxes, and the tuitions, and the pensions, and the benefits, for the people who falsely claim to be the 99%. The ones who did not graduate from the school of perpetual expectations and handouts. The ones who...

A common protest chant of the Occupy Wall Street crew and other radicals is "This is what democracy looks like!" - a trite, rhythmic expression of self-congratulation layered over an implication that they represent the true will of the people. Yes, these protests are examples of...

On Saturday night Morgan Freeman was the winner of the first ever Saturday Night Card Game Readers' Choice Award, for his rant on the Piers Morgan show about Tea Party racism. Now a Tea Party activist has written Freeman an open letter inviting Freeman to a...

Check out the Cornell Chronicle article about my Tea Party talk, Law professor's talk on the Tea Party triggers heated debate. Could they possibly have picked a worse photo?  Thankfully, they didn't serve corn dogs at the event. Related Posts:  “… like Thomas Paine and other deep thinkers from...

I gave a talk last night at the Cornell Club of New York City in Manhattan.  The topic was the Tea Party Movement, and the thesis was: Professor Jacobson will argue that the Tea Party movement has been among the most influential and most positive forces...

You want to see me spike the football so hard the earth will shake harder than in the D.C. Earthquake? You have not seen anything like what will take place here if Janis Kelly, Republican and unabashed Tea Party supporter, is elected Mayor of Ithaca.  You...

I don't have much time to "analyze" Palin's speech in Indianola (text here), Iowa and what it all means in terms of the political landscape. But what jumped out at me is that she expressed one of the core principles of the Tea Party movement, that corporate interests are not...

Via Chicago Tribune: An investigator for Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn’s human rights agency got a slap on the wrist for forwarding an e-mail before last November’s election that contended the Republican Party had been hijacked by “dangerous, radical hate mongers called the ‘Tea Party.'" The e-mail, sent...

Obama plans a fall offensive against Republicans, according to The Hill (via JWF and Instapundit): President Obama is preparing to fight a political war this fall on two fronts -- the first against Republicans who want his job and the second against Republicans who want to...

That's a theme in a very worthwhile article about Thomas written by Jeffrey Toobin in The New Yorker: These tempests obscure a larger truth about Thomas: that this year has also  been, for him, a moment of triumph. In several of the most important areas of ...

John Conyers (D-Mich), via The Hill, talking about West Virginia: “There’s a big campaign going on about how you clean coal, and we want to examine that as critically and fairly as we can, but here’s the problem: I’ve been to West Virginia, and that’s about...