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Tea Party Tag

After a day of the media investigating James Holmes, the mass murderer at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater, a profile is emerging of someone who did not have any overt political agenda or affiliation. Yet once again, the Tea Party was injected into the crime through...

New polling data released today by independent Public Policy Polling shows Ted Cruz leading Lt. Governor David Dewhurst in the Republican runoff for Senate in Texas. The numbers are the first released by a third-party pollster: Cruz's lead expands to a whooping 59-36 margin over Dewhurst...

From Keith Burgess-Jackson, in April 2010 (hey, I just saw it, but it's timeless): Two comments on the Tea Party movement. First, progressives refer to its members as angry. This is an attempt to replace a cognitive state (belief) with an affective state (anger), and thereby...

I'm not there this weekend, but at least we have video! ...

Ronald Reagan, the humble servant-leader, would have appealed to all conservatives, indeed all Americans, who believe in the right and ability to self-govern. It is the political establishment that would have much to fear from Reagan—not grassroots activists, as Jeb Bush implies in his comments yesterday....

As has been said on here before: If you’re not on Twitter, you need to be. Nowhere is this point made more readily apparent than the way in which the Tea Party has utilized social media outlets like Twitter, to begin to reshape the Republican...

Tea Parties across the country, the recipients of letters from the IRS demanding they produce reams of documents detailing every email, blog post, tweet, radio transcript, Facebook entry, and on, have banded together to share resources in defending their 501c4 applications. The Liberty Defense Foundation is allowing the...

It always has been a two front political war. Here's the other front, Tim Carney at The Washington Examiner, K Street and Tea Party again fight for soul of GOP: Big business and the Tea Party are at swords' points once again, with GOP Senate primaries for...

Two standout appearances at Chicago's Tea Party this Monday were familiar faces from Saturday's Wisconsin event: BigJournalism's Dana Loesch and Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. These two women, working moms who are relatively recent entrants into the political fray, are examples of one of the most...

This past Saturday marked a change for the now-annual Wisconsin Tax Day Tea Party in Madison, Wisc. While thousands turned out -- an organizer said it was 6,300 --  it wasn't the masses that had showed up in the pouring rain last year to see...

There is a prime opportunity in the Indiana Republican primary to elect a solid conservative, Richard Mourdock, and to retire Obama's favorite Republican, Richard Lugar, who has an abysmal voting record. I will be supporting Mourdock, and I hope you will help with this important race. I first wrote...

Instapundit links to articles on the third anniversary of the Tea Party movement, when the first rallies were held. I attribute the rise to the rant earlier in February 2009 by Rick Santelli. I can watch this over and over again without getting tired of it.  It's...

I had the pleasure a couple of weeks ago of meeting with Anne Sorock and Yvonne Ralsky, co-founders of The Fontier Lab. The Frontier Lab, among other things, utilizes "deep values research" common in consumer products marketing analysis (Anne is a Cornell Business School graduate who concentrated in...

A Democratic SuperPAC just made my job of identifying House members to support as part of Operation Counterweight a whole lot easier. The new SuperPAC will target 10 Tea Party congressmen, six of whom have been identified with four to be named, via HuffPo (h/t @JazzShaw): A liberal...

It's not looking good in Florida. The polls show Romney surging as a result of the Romney plan exposed by The NY Times to overwhelm Newt via Romney's close ties to Drudge and a collective effort of the Republican establishment to go after Newt in what The...

If you asked me even a couple of weeks ago whether the Republican Party could heal from the wounds of this election cycle in time to unite against Obama, I would have said "Yes." I'm not so sure anymore.  After the South Carolina primary the Republican establishment, and...

This is from the "you can't make this stuff up" files Analysis from Small Dead Animals, The Other McCain, and Ace of Spades HQ: The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook...