Scott Brown | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Scott Brown Tag

Elizabeth Warren is running hard left in her rhetoric, but the reality is she served big companies in her extensive private legal practice and got paid big, big dollars for it. At the first debate, Brown scored big points on Warren's representation of Travelers, for which...

Quick takes on the debate which just ended. End Result -- As with most of these things, people will see what they want. I'd say while Brown won hands down the first debate, this one was more even.  Brown won big on Warren's personal problems, which took...

This is the second debate, being held at U. Mass. Lowell, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern.  There should be live feeds on,,, and CBS 3 in Springfield . It may also be on CSPAN. David Gregory is the moderator - ugh.  Let me guess how...

Starting with my post Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem last Monday and continuing through the week, I have laid out the facts and documents regarding Elizabeth Warren's practice of law from her Cambridge office over the course of a decade. I also have noted that Warren refuses...

Via The Boston Globe, Scott Brown has launched his first ad regarding Elizabeth Warren's claim to be Native American: The 30-second spot, called “Who knows?” features television reporters talking about Warren “identifying herself as Native American to employers. ...

There is no question that Scott Brown won the debate last night. It wasn't a knock out.  As Howie Carr correctly notes, a man can't get away with hitting a woman too hard in a debate: When he was pummeling her on the asbestos litigation, and her...

I will add to this, and embed videos when available, but here's my quick take.  (Full video here) Very strong opening for Brown on fake Cherokee issue.  He didn't handle it the way I would have, but he picked an issue -- the release of her...

Update - Brown-Warren Debate – LIVE ---------------------------- I'll be watching, and hopefully embedding a live video if I can find an embeddable version.  At a minimum, I'll have a link to the live feed.  Also, I may have a joint live blog feed with Red Mass Group blog. I'm...

There have been several polls released recently, showing everything from a virtual dead heat to Elizabeth Warren ahead by low single digits. This was a contrast to pre-DNC polls, which showed Brown ahead by low single digits.  Clearly Warren received a convention bounce, almost entirely from increased...

A poll by Kimball Political Consulting, apparently a Republican leaning entity, found that the Senate race has tightened. Whereas two weeks ago Brown was up by 6 (consistent with PPP finding Brown up by 5 with likely voters), now Brown is up by less than 1%. ...

No, that's not a typo or some psychological slip. It's what I believe to reflect a sea change in how people view the Scott Brown - Elizabeth Warren match-up. Earlier this week PPP released a poll showing Brown ahead by 5 points, and people were stunned particularly...

I joked the other day about Elizabeth Warren's Mike Dukakis Tank moment. Maybe tanking was the right word, because a PPP poll just released shows Warren 5 points behind and Warren's negatives rising dramatically (emphasis mine): PPP's newest poll on the Massachusetts Senate race finds Scott Brown...