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Republicans Tag

For months, Democrats and their media allies have been talking about a blue wave coming in the midterms this fall. However, Democrats squandered their lead on the generic ballot and the ground is shifting under the left's feet. Newt Gingrich suggests that the blue wave is turning red.

Leftist billionaire Tom Steyer has made no secret of his desire to see President Trump impeached, and he has been putting his billions where his mouth is. His latest ad-buy via his Next Gen PAC goes beyond attacking Trump and demonizes every left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning American who votes Republican in this country.  Given Democrats' massive, humiliating losses at every level of government, that's a lot of people. The "Mother's Day" ad warns that the GOP is turning kids into misogynist, thieving, Trump-supporting bullies who march for white supremacy.

While Democrats may see momentum ahead of the November 2018 midterms, voter registration may have them pull back their excitement just a little bit. The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that the number of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents registered to votes has fallen to 75% from 84% in November.