Progressive or Parody? | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 7
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Progressive or Parody? Tag

Let's play, Progressive or Parody. Some students at Brown University devote so much of their time to activism they are getting stressed out, and it's creating mental health problems. (h/t @JeffreyGoldberg) From the Brown University Daily Herald, Schoolwork, advocacy place strain on student activists:
Two weeks ago, the University released the final version of its diversity and inclusion action plan, which could not have been compiled without the exhaustive efforts of students throughout last semester. “There are people breaking down, dropping out of classes and failing classes because of the activism work they are taking on,” said David, an undergraduate whose name has been changed to preserve anonymity. Throughout the year, he has worked to confront issues of racism and diversity on campus.

While Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had many well-known speeches and quotes, I think it's fair to say that his "I Have a Dream" speech is his most famous. And in that most famous speech, the following line may be the most famous:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
In a campus world of affirmative action based in part on the color of one's skin, and a hyper-sensitive microaggression mania, I've wondered how long it would take for Dr. King's most famous line to be repudiated. There is an irreconcilable tension between Dr.King's call to not base the evaluation of people on the color of their skin, and the modern progressive demand that skin color (and other immutable characteristics) be a central focus of everything.

Now they've gone too far. Someone tell me this is a hoax, and we've all been had. Progressive or Parody? But, I fear this report from The Ottawa Sun is not a joke. Free Ottawa yoga class scrapped over 'cultural issues':
Student leaders have pulled the mat out from 60 University of Ottawa students, ending a free on-campus yoga class over fears the teachings could be seen as a form of "cultural appropriation." Jennifer Scharf, who has been offering free weekly yoga instruction to students since 2008, says she was shocked when told in September the program would be suspended, and saddened when she learned of the reasoning. Staff at the Centre for Students with Disabilities believe that "while yoga is a really great idea and accessible and great for students ... there are cultural issues of implication involved in the practice," according to an email from the centre....

This is gross. And also sad. Progressivism continues its inevitable descent into complete parody. According to Right Wing News, a few n'er do wellers on 4chan had a brilliant idea: see if they could convince people to, "publicly piss/sh*t their pants in the name of ‘Equality?'" feministhoax

When I saw this tweet earlier today (via @JWBritton), I was like WUT!? Spoof account? Nope, verified. True blue EPA: The link in the tweet goes to a page that doesn't exist.

We have been covering the absurdity of the "Yes Means Yes" movement, and the violation of fundamental due process rights under the banner of "rape culture," for quite some time: In our coverage, we frequently have posted this parody video from 2007.
Now life is imitating parody, as reported in The Washington Examiner (via Instapundit), Advocacy group distributes sexual 'consent contracts' to college students:

If you're not at a point in your day where you can handle a Bill Clinton bobble head teetering around in high heels and a dress, click away now, because the "Bill for First Lady 2016" meme factory is back. Anyone with a TV or internet connection knows that political ads are, for the most part, boring, demographic-specific, and safe. But this pro-Hillary 2016 group's new efforts to create excitement around another Clinton candidacy is anything but. They put a Bill Clinton bobble head in drag...and it's part of a bigger strategy to GOTV:
We are a national online grassroots movement of young Americans to support Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 and make "herstory" by putting a woman in the White House. With a focus on creating youthful viral videos, catchy campaign memes and sharable social media content, as well as live "Bill" campaign events in cities and on college campuses across the nation, PAC (Political Action Committee) is a strategic effort to move, motivate and inspire younger voters to get involved.
Let's get this over with:

It can be very hard to distinguish progressive political and social positions from parody. Remember the video “White Guys: We Suck and We’re Sorry”? Was it parody?  Not sure we ever got a definitive answer on that. What about's white writers' obsession with Whiteness? Real. White privilege conferences? Real. There is a strange lack of connection of so many progressive manias to reality, that it's hard to know what is real or not.  Even for progressives. There was a major trolling of leftist feminists and Gender Studies types on Twitter, with the hastage "#EndFathersDay."  It was started at 4Chan, but feminists ran with it apparently believing it to be true.  Some of the tweets were hysterical -- but impossible to tell if part of the group trolling or the leftist feminists who thought it was real. Twitchy and Frontpage Mag collected some of the tweets of people who thought it was real. Some had been deleted after being highlighted as stupid, such as this one (screenshot saved by Weasel Zippers): These people had a good laugh: