Let’s play: Progressive or Parody? (Scott Walker “Master’s Degree”)
Politicians are now furiously scrubbing “school of hard knocks” from their bios.

I guess “Progressives or Parody?” is now a series.
First there was “White Guys: We Suck and We’re Sorry” — Parody or Not?:
Then came Let’s play: Progressive or Parody?, regarding the #EndFathersDay prank Twitter hashtag started at 4Chan which liberal feminists thought was real:
Now from Daily Kos we have Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker claims to have a master’s degree (h/t Maetenloch at Ace of Spades HQ), in which Daily Kos diarist Mark E Andersen purports to catch Scott Walker lying about having a “master’s degree in taking on the big government special interests” when in fact Walker never even graduated college:
Everyone is almost certainly aware by now that Republican Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin does not have a bachelor’s degree. He left the University of Marquette, and in his words, “I’m someone who went to college, had the opportunity in my senior year to go and take a job full-time job (…)like a lot of folks in America, you know, your family and your job take the time away from you finishing it up.”
In that same recent interview, Walker stated, “I’ve got a master’s degree in taking on the big government special interests, and I think that is worth more than anything else that anybody can point to.”Gov. Walker was unable to finish college. There are plenty of websites and blogs out there full of accusations about why he left Marquette, but we’re not exploring that today. This is about how he has the audacity to suggest that he has a master’s degree when he does not even have a bachelor’s degree.
Progressive or Parody?
As I kept reading, I thought surely there would be a mea cupla as in — I know Scott Walker never claimed to have an actual Master’s Degree, he was just using his life experience as a metaphor for a formal education, like when people say they earned a degree from the School of Hard Knocks.
But no such luck. Andersen keeps going, relating his own Master’s Degree experience:
When I look back at what my education cost me, precious time with my son, and a relationship with a woman I loved deeply, I am filled with rage when I hear that Walker claims to have a non-existent master’s degree. He is no better than wannabe soldiers who parade around in military uniforms claiming to be something they are not.
Um, okay.
There’s no indication anywhere in the post that it’s a joke, and he understands that Walker wasn’t literally saying he had a “Master’s Degree”:
No, Walker does not have a master’s degree in taking on the big government special interests. He is a college dropout.
FWIW, here’s the link to Andersen’s Master’s Thesis, The Wisconsin Uprising: A View From the e-Trenches, in which he complains that the mainstream media did not pay enough attention to the anti-Walker “Uprising” in 2011, and how new media filled the void. I don’t disagree with the assessment as to the importance of new media, but old media gave the protests plenty of coverage, particularly in the Wisconsin market.
One sections of the Thesis focuses on metaphors used by Walker:
Metaphors We Live By, written by George Lakoff, was an invaluable resource in understanding the Wisconsin Uprising. Governor Scott Walker, as well as other politicians on both sides of the political spectrum, used metaphors to explain everything he was doing as governor, and to understand this political speak one has to understand how metaphors are used.
One would think that someone whose Master’s Thesis delved into Walker’s common use of metaphors (like “Big Union Boss”) would understand that when Walker said he had “a master’s degree in taking on the big government special interests” he was using a metaphor.
Normally staid political observers were astounded at this attack on Walker (via Twitchy):
I don’t think this Daily Kos guy is joking… pic.twitter.com/Da3MALfKxq
— Chris Moody (@moody) January 19, 2015
The point of all this is not Andersen. It’s Walker Derangement Syndrome.
We saw it during the “Uprising” and Recall Election:

(Image via JSOnline)
Daily Kos even accused Walker of fathering a child out of wedlock, then realized they had the wrong Scott Walker:
Imagine how intense the Walker Derangement Syndrome will get when Walker gets the Republican nomination and then is sworn in as President. (Did I just say that?)

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‘…when Walker gets the Republican nomination and then is sworn in as President.’
Love the sound of that! I fervently believe he will be the best candidate for the Republicans in 2016.
Kos-sacks(o’crap) are daft. Certifiable loony-toons who have slipped the surely bonds of sanity.
They make excellent targets of ridicule.
“Imagine how intense the Walker Derangement Syndrome will get when Walker gets the Republican nomination and then is sworn in as President. (Did I just say that?)”
Oh, yes you did! Awesome.
Seriously bad wiring at Kos. Seriously.
If Progressives didn’t have lies, they’d have nothing to say at all.
–Andrew, @LawSelfDefense
Look what Daily Kos diarist Mark E Andersen’s ‘journalism’ did for him: his bio reveals that he is a Michael Moore groupie and his writings reveal that he has a master’s degree in ad hominems.
Conservatives who make the kind of mistakes that the Daily Kos routinely makes get laughed off the public stage.
Walker Derangement Syndrome, while often humorous, is a very real thing in Wisconsin. Those chronically afflicted have even been known to fixate on Walker’s expanding bald spot. They haven’t gotten around to examining his pocket lint yet, but I’m pretty sure they troll his family’s garbage cans in the dead of the night.
Hillsdale ought to give Walker an honorary Master’s Degree in political rhetoric. It will be for a good Kos.
I like that idea. That would hack them off something fierce.
Are there universities that offer degrees in “taking on the big government special interests”?
Evidently some Democrats believe so.
No, and here is the reason: universities ARE big government special interests.
Remind me again why anybody takes anything that comes from the Daily Kook with any seriousness?
They’re a bunch of deranged, leftist wackos over there. Ridicule, daily ridicule, of the Kook should be the normal order of business for anybody with even the tiniest bit of sanity. The fact that they have not yet been laughed out of existence and we have to point out that they are idiots though bodes badly for the people of America having any brains at all. Maybe Zombies have already been here, feasted on the brains of the masses and left.
They’d starve slap to death. Er, death-er…
So this little twerp actually gets a useless master’s in twaddle-thought, and doesn’t want the term used? Or is he just stupid?
The older I get, the more sense the old dying professor made when he said we had to kill all the progressives for the sake of the gene pool. This guy already reproduced; there may be others.
My read: Walker Derangement Syndrome is there, but I think the more potent motivation for this and similar exercises is battle-space prep. Lying is a tactical tool for Globalists — and Caliphists — that they find and believe furthers their hegemonic agenda.
IMO, Globalists fear Walker most of all potential candidates because he has a large, deep record of political accomplishment. Cruz, for example, a good man, has no record of political accomplishment beyond being elected and saying a few appropriate things. He is not the target Walker is for that reason.
Walker has won a series of personal, political battles over time. That frightens Globalists. Walker not only fights — which maybe only Cruz among other potentials would do, but not so far convincingly — he wins. Americans love a fighter who wins. This terrifies Globalists and Caliphists as well when they gaze at Walker.
True. Generally speaking, the more incoherent the Left gets when it screams, the better the candidate. Nothing cheeses them off worse than a successful Republican who ignores them.