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Polling Tag

Germans regard U.S. President Donald Trump to be the "greatest threat to world peace," a latest YouGov poll shows. About 41 percent of German respondents picked U.S. President as most dangerous from a list of world leaders which included Iran's Islamic tyrant Ayatollah Khamenei, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Communist China's Xi Jinping, and Russia's Vladimir Putin. More than 2000 Germans were polled for the survey.

Every once in a while a story catches my eye because it just seems so ludicrous that I have to click over to ensure it's accurate. This is one of those times. CNN's Jeffrey Tobbin, confronted with a CNN poll no less, is in utter denial that the Democrats' misguided impeachment witch hunt is failing even among Democrat voters. Toobin, upon hearing that there is a double-digit drop in Democrat support for impeachment and removal said he didn't believe it for "one second." He declared the poll "wrong" because . . . he "said so."

Polling gurus like FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver have been quick to point out in recent weeks that former Vice President Joe "Biden’s numbers haven’t declined at all" since the Trump/Zelensky phone call story first broke. But new state and national polls released this week show the cracks in Biden's support wall are now causing the wall to crumble.

Senator Kamala Harris' presidential campaign has seen highs and lows since she officially entered the race back in January. Yet outside of the two-week time frame after the first Democratic debate where her campaign looked unstoppable, it's been mostly lows. So how does a Democratic candidate, who has run out of excuses for why she can't recapture her brief flirtation with momentum, explain away her campaign woes? Trot out the trusty, dusty race and sexism cards, that's what.

Joe Biden has come a long way from being the uncontested frontrunner. He jumped into the presidential race in late April, already leading by double digits. He was ahead by comfortable margins through most of the summer, except the two weeks where Sen. Kamala Harris looked like she might catch up with him after the first debate. But things have changed.