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Polling Tag

CNN/Opinion Research has released a poll (pdf.) taken January 14-16, 2011, which has some rational findings about the Tucson shooting, and some perverse findings.The rational finding is that an overwhelming majority of people (66%) recognize that such shootings will still take place regardless of what government...

CBS News has released a poll in the wake of the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of several others.The poll results show that the attempts by the left-blogosphere, mainstream media and some Democratic politicians to blame right-wing political speech and Sarah Palin for...

Or maybe, The Definitive "They Didn't See It Coming" Tweet; or The Definitive "They Don't Get It" Tweet; or The Definitive "Not Seeing The Forest For The Trees" Tweet.  Any other suggestions?You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows:Update: WaPo becomes...

A new poll released in my home district (RI-01) confirms what I have been telling you for weeks, this race is winnable for Republican John Loughlin.  As reported by The Providence Journal:For much of the campaign season, Providence Mayor David N. Cicilline has raised much...

The Boston Globe, which is all in for the Democrats, has released a poll (via HotAir) showing Barney Frank up 13 points against Sean Beilat, but still well below 50%. Beware The Boston Glove bearing polls.  Remember this headline, just 9 days prior to the...

Rasmussen just released a Delaware poll showing Christine O'Donnell down 49-40% to Chris Coons in a race in which Mike Castle mounts a write-in campaign:It is possible that a write-in campaign by Congressman Mike Castle could hurt Democrat Chris Coons more than Republican Christine O’Donnell...

Please do it, because it will increase our likelihood of victory.Mike Castle will test waters with poll:Rep. Mike Castle is planning on polling a potential three-way Senate race to test his chances as a write-in candidate, a Delaware Republican tells POLITICO. Can someone get him the phone number...

It's over.  The race is hopeless.  The Republican candidate has no chance because of past indiscretions which have rendered the candidate a joke, and the electorate has made up its mind in favor of the well-known Democrat.The polls, depending upon which you believe, have our...

Kos Media sued Research 2000 back in late June, after incendiary accusations by Markos Moulitsas that Research 2000 issued fraudulent polling data.Now the parties have agreed on the "basic terms of settlement" which will require a "series of actions to be taken by each party"...

The last Gallup Generic Tracking Poll showed Republicans up by a historic 10 points.  I meant, the last Poll prior to the one just released, which a week later shows a tie.Any poll that swings 10 points over a week when there was no news is...

'nuff said.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

The latest Mason-Dixon Poll released by the Las Vegas Review-Journal shows Reid up 1 point, 45-44.The headlines are screaming that 68% of voters would have preferred another GOP candidate, but that seems like a meaningless number since the choice is between Reid and Angle, and on...

I can't believe they actually polled this:It appears a majority of New Jersey residents agree with Gov. Chris Christie: The hit MTV reality show "Jersey Shore" is doing more harm than good to the Garden State.According to the new poll from Quinnipiac University, 54 percent...

From Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning pollster which is the new pollster for DailyKos: -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

At Reid campaign headquarters, the dozens of mudslinging campaign staffers must feel like the walls are closing in on them.A new Rasmussen poll shows Sharron Angle leading by 2 points if "leaners" are included, and tied without leaners.Reid stuck his foot in his base's mouth...

Rasmussen (h/t HotAir) now shows Sharron Angle tied with Harry Reid:The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state shows Democratic Senator Harry Reid and his Republican challenger Sharron Angle tied with 47% of the vote each. Five percent (5%) prefer some...

Rasmussen just released a poll showing Linda McMahon down 47-40 to Richard Blumenthal. This represents the closed closest poll so far (I think), but more important, shows Blumenthal under 50%:Support for McMahon is unchanged from last month, despite her GOP Primary win on Tuesday. Blumenthal’s...