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Polling Tag

I've discussed several times  Public Policy Polling, a Democratic polling firm which heavily spins poll results. PPP has a split personality; some of its polls are straight up and in actual elections it seems to do as well as many other polling organizations.   But PPP also engages in messaging...

How pathetic is this. The Daily Caller is reporting as news that Public Policy Polling, a Democratic pollster which has a nasty habit of doing polling meant to generate anti-Republican headlines, and using skewed sampling, is dropping Tim Pawlenty from some of its polling questions. I don't really care...

As you know, I'm highly skeptical of polls showing Jews turning against Obama in substantial numbers.  So, in what may be a first, I'll have to agree with the Plum Line guys, Greg Sargent and Adam Serwer, about Jews and Obama. Jews are not going to vote against...

Obama is holding another press conference today, at 11 a.m. , with regard to the debt talks.  The last press conference was an unmitigated disaster for him, leading one MSNBC talking head to drop the "D" bomb. My take is that we will see a different...

Gallup is out with a poll taken yesterday on the issue of who deserves credit for finding and killing Osama bin Laden.The results are very telling.  Understandably, the U.S. military gets the most credit (89% Great Deal, 9% Moderate Amount), followed by the CIA (62/26).Obama has been...

Maybe, just maybe slightly.  But it will not last.  Here's why:In the week ending April 23, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 429,000, an increase of 25,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 404,000. The 4-week moving average was 408,500, an...

If you have not realized it by now, Public Policy Polling -- which works for DailyKos -- has become an important part of the left-wing messaging machine, with a relentless series of polls spun as bad news for Republicans since the November 2010 elections, and...

That's the headline you will not see.  Instead, you will see this headline:  "Obama Approval Ratings On The Rise Among Millennials, Especially on College Campuses, Harvard Poll Finds."And this headline:Obama Job Approval Rises Among Young Voters: Millennials More Likely To Vote Obama Than GOP Candidate...

The polls have tended to show that Democrats in Wisconsin are in a much stronger position than last fall as a result of the budget repair bill controversy.I've wondered whether voters minds really could have changed that quickly, and whether union intimidation tactics really have worked. ...

Reader Dan in Hawaii, who followed the Polling 101 series, sent this clip, which I enjoyed very much:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

GUEST POST by Matthew Knee:Professor Jacobson asked me to comment on the DKos/PPP poll regarding big labor's recall efforts in Wisconsin. The questions are mostly fine, but I have a few thoughts on the results that might be helpful.Wisconsin recalls do not work like the...

Here is a recap of the Polling 101 series of Guest Posts by Matthew Knee, which ran last week:How People Answer PollsSamples & Margin of ErrorHandling BiasEvaluating The Public Employee Union PollsYou Can't Learn Much From Asking People Their IdeologyThe series was a real eye-opener...

This is the fourth in a series of GUEST POSTS by Matthew Knee, a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University specializing in campaigns and elections, ethnic voting patterns, public opinion, and quantitative and experimental approaches to political science.___________________Today I will provide an overview of the polling situation...

This is the third in a series of GUEST POSTS by Matthew Knee, a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University specializing in campaigns and elections, ethnic voting patterns, public opinion, and quantitative and experimental approaches to political science.___________________Handling BiasToday I will discuss ways to handle bias...