Obama campaign | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Obama campaign Tag

Prior to the 2012 election there were claims that the Obama administration was concealing its intentions by deliberately not moving proposed regulations forward so as to avoid campaign controversy. Needless to say, the Obama campaign denied the charges then and now. We reported on how delay of regulations damaged the rollout of Obamacare, Re-election 2012: HHS went quiet on Obamacare regs leading to healthcare.gov tech failure The Washington Post reports on how organized the concealment and delay effort was, White House delayed enacting rules ahead of 2012 election to avoid controversy:
The White House systematically delayed enacting a series of rules on the environment, worker safety and health care to prevent them from becoming points of contention before the 2012 election, according to documents and interviews with current and former administration officials.

The Editors of National Review have an excellent entry today in which the Pigford scandal is explained, Pigford Forever. Here is a key point which is not often understood, that the payments were tied to Obama's political maneuvering (emphasis mine): But as the Times reports in great...

Let's face it, the Obama campaign knew exactly what it was doing with the War on Women campaign. It wasn't targeting married women, but the single women like Julia who, by the terms of Obama's own illustration, rely on government for financial stability, including lots of...

It's nice that in his closing argument Obama has articulated more perfectly than ever before his political philosophy of revenge. While various people are reacting as if Obama has gone off the rails, revenge is Obama's rail. Dividing Americans into groups and playing each against the other...

“Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody.  You want to do it with a great guy … someone who really cares about and understands women.” – Lena Dunham This week marks an especially repugnant page in President Obama’s catalog of attempts to woo young female...

I noted the other day that Obama's "My First Time" video appeared to be a rip off of a similar ad for Vladimir Putin. The Aussies, however, are claiming that one of their candidates was the first to have a first time experience. From The Catallaxy Files: It...

We knew how great Obama was. Because he told us: The 4th Greatest President Ever has an important announcement which reflects the Greatness of His Office and the seriousness of his campaign: Stage 3? Yes, someone is in Stage 3.  Of campaign grieving.  And it's not Mitt Romney. Bargaining — Traditionally the...

Everyone is waiting for October Surprises to be  unloaded on Romney. The Obama campaign and its supporters are desperate, and that desperation will reach a fevered pitch this weekend  if Obama doesn't get a meaningful bounce out of last night's debate.  Few are predicting he will. I consider...

The wheels on the Obama bus are falling off. Unless someone can bring up an October surprise which allows the careening vehicle to hit Romney, the momentum is unmistakably against Obama. The man on the bus just unveiled a strategy of re-introducing himself to the American people --...

It truly is hard to overstate the joy on the left with Obama's horses and bayonets "zinger" last night. This summary at HuffPo reflected the joy: There were no binders full of women at the final presidential debate on Monday, but there were certainly horses and bayonets. President Barack...

We have examined many times the claim by Democrats that Republicans try to turn Obama into "The Other." "Otherness" supposedly is racist. Now Obama is playing The Other Card, running an ad in Ohio which concludes with the statement that Mitt Romney is:  "Not One of Us." This is...

Not a serious candidate anymore. A caricature making jokes. Even clowns win elections, so fight through the finish line. (Video h/t Hot Air) You know what this calls for? Mockery: Twitter hashtag wars: #Romnesia vs #Obamnesia ==> is.gd/HzOpiZ via @twitchyteam— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 19, 2012 #obamnesia Forgetting...

Bruce Springsteen is all in for Obama again: If any doubt remained about how central the state of Ohio is to President Obama's reelection campaign, the sight of Bruce Springsteen and former President Clinton on stage at Cuyahoga Community College on Thursday made it clear...

Early in the campaign cycle Obama's team repeatedly bragged how they would raise $1 billion. As the season wore on, it appeared less and less likely. But in September Obama and the DNC jointly raised $181 million, putting Obama back on track: Spurred on by the Democratic National Convention, new donate-by-text...