Morning Joe | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Republicans aren't the only ones concerned about Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's complete ignorance of basic economics, or the fact that she's taking her horrible ideas mainstream. AOC fought against Amazon's bid to build a headquarters in New York City, prompting Amazon to back out of the potential deal. Had the deal gone through, Amazon would've brought roughly 25,000 new jobs to the community, not to mention the other immeasurable economic benefits. Worse still, AOC celebrated Amazon's decision to look elsewhere. Amazon and other New York City politicians were not kind in their criticism of Ocasio-Cortez.

In April of this year, Laura Ingraham of FOX News faced a full-blown boycott campaign for being mildly critical of David Hogg. Just last week, comedian Kevin Hart lost his gig as host of the Oscars when the media dredged up gay jokes he made on Twitter years ago. Yesterday, Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC's Morning Joe, used a gay slur to describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Where is the angry mob? Why does Mika get a pass?

Can we finally STOP taking Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff seriously? Of all people, Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski finally brought the arrogant man down a peg or two over his comments on US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. From The Washington Examiner:
"I’m gonna go as far as to say that you might be having a fun time, playing a little game dancing around this," Brzezinski said, "but you're slurring a woman. It’s disgraceful"

For months Morning Joe has offered up a steady stream of apocalyptic condemnation of President Trump: his mental health has been explicitly questioned and comments on Charlottesville were blistered, with one panelist calling on his aides to resign en masse or be "forever tainted with the stench." Just last week, Mika Brzezinski was calling Trump "unhinged," claiming she couldn't distinguish between Trump and Kim Jong Un. All of which makes the praise for President Trump on today's show all the more remarkable. Joe Scarborough led off by observing that "everywhere I've gone, people have been talking about Donald Trump's sort of shift." He praised the president's "even-keeled" tweets and the "steadier" organization inside the White House.

Joe Scarborough took an I-told-you-so victory lap on today's Morning Joe. In the wake of President Trump cutting a deal with Pelosi and Schumer, the show aired a prepared montage of Joe, going back almost a year, predicting that Trump would wind up working with Dems, with whom, according to Scarborough, he feels more comfortable.

There was an extended conversation on today's Morning Joe as to whether Kim Jong Un could be deterred. The discussion centered around the question of whether Kim is a rational actor. There was absolutely no ambiguity. The panel was discussing Kim's rationality or lack thereof. Sample statement: John Heilemann asked what Mattis, Tillerson, and McMaster "think about the rationality of this North Korean leader?"

Appearing on today's Morning Joe, Rep. Joe Crowley, the fourth-ranking member of the Dem House leadership, stated that President Obama is "leading the charge" on efforts in state legislative races. Crowley was responding to Joe Scarborough's question as to what Dems will do differently from what they did in November, when they got "absolutely shellacked."

On today's Morning Joe, MSNBC senior political analyst Mark Halperin said that special counsel Robert Mueller "is a cyborg." Joe Scarborough was so tickled by the description that he had Halperin repeat it. Calling Mueller "a relentless opponent," Halperin said that "there is a strategy here, there's a fearlessness, and there's a level of coordination that makes anyone trying to help the president on this be put in a very defensive position."

On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski trashed President Trump in the wake of his visit to Texas yesterday. As Joe Scarborough was describing the positive impact a president's visit to a disaster area will have, Brzezinski butted in to say it was not in Trump's nature to be "human or empathetic." Cut to MSNBC reporter Garrett Haake, standing in deep water in the middle of a Houston highway, who replied:

On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and Mike Barnicle fretted over the personal impact the investigations surrounding the Trump administration are having on aides to the president. Each wondered, "what do you tell your children?"

On today's Morning Joe, after accusing President Trump of "impairment," Howard Dean said that "people keep talking about" the 25th Amendment as a means to remove the president from office. But Dean immediately poured cold water on the notion, saying "I personally think that's probably hooey." Law professor Jonathan Turley agreed with Dean: "Yes, indeed, that falls under the constitutional doctrine of hooey." Turley went on to describe the complicated procedures under the 25th Amendment, which would ultimately require a two-thirds majority in both houses of congress. Concluded Turley: "the 25th Amendment is not a really good option."

Looks like Joe Scarborough might be getting bored with attacking Donald Trump. So now he's turning on the people who put Trump into office. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough cited comments made by James Clapper after Trump's remarks in Phoenix last night, and by Michael Hayden in 2016, questioning Trump's fitness for office, specifically with regard to the potential use of nuclear weapons. Joe then referenced a statement made by Mika Brzezinksi prior to the election in which she warned Americans against voting for Trump.