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Mitt Romney Tag

Thursday night former Vice President Dick Cheney held a fundraiser at his home in Jackson, WY, for Mitt Romney. During his remarks, Cheney stressed Romney's ability to handle the foreign-policy decisions that a commander-in-chief faces, while Romney cautioned that Obama's foreign-policy mistakes may have even...

Because you have been bad, and because I want to inflict maximum pain, you must watch all 12 minutes of this video in which Lawrence "Herman Cain didn't know how to be black" O'Donnell leads a panel of race card players attacking Mitt Romney's speech to...

The discussion in the video below (h/t jimzinsocal)  is pretty good on where the campaign stands.  Krauthammer is hard on Romney for failing to score hard blows on Obama over the economy, something echoed by Bill Kristol. Am I concerned?  Sure.  At least based on chatter, it looks like...

The conundrum - how to be intellectually consistent that the mandate was an unconstitutional penalty to force people into commerce, yet deal with the fact that The Chief and the four liberal Justices called it a constitutional tax. I said the only solution to this pretzel...

The New York Times declares that the Bain attacks are working, Bain Attacks Make Inroads for President Propelled by a torrent of blistering television advertisements, President Obama is successfully invoking Mitt Romney’s career at Bain Capital to raise questions about his commitment to the middle class,...

Via SooperMexican( emphasis in original): Today it’s being widely reported that Romney had a moment were he was amazed at the existence of WAWAs, a convenience/gas store, and the electronic touchtone ordering of sandwiches. They have spun this to make it seem like he’s out of touch...

Why now? Because Team Obama is proving itself to be too smart by half, and too incompetent by three-quarters. There is a way to do Bain, but I'm done giving that advice.  Rehashing old news, which already has been out for months, isn't going to do the...

Does this suprise anyone?  Oh, to not agree with Rahm Emanuel in Chicago: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is not returning calls from the Ricketts family and is “livid” over a New York Times report that Joe Ricketts commissioned a proposal for a multimillion-dollar ad campaign linking...

It started out as a massive 5000-word hit piece on Mitt Romney reminiscent of what The Washington Post did to Rick Perry about a rock on his family hunting ground. WaPo put a reporter (or more) on the case and apparently spared no effort to find...

And not just anyone, someone who was "presumed homosexual." The Washington Post, fresh off finding a rock in Texas, has dug deep using all the investigative reporting skills of one of the most powerful news organizations in the world, and breathlessly reports that Mitt Romney teased...

Rick Santorum has endorsed Mitt Romney via an overnight e-mail sent to supporters.  Here's the link to the e-mail (h/t Politico). Is there an endorsement in there someplace? Yeah, I guess there is, but it's buried in paragraph 13 and half-hearted: Above all else, we both agree that President...

Jennifer Rubin, the "right" blogger at The Washington Post, gained fame throughout the primaries by obsessively skewering each not-Romney who rose in the polls, even not-Romneys like Rick Santorum she had praised when convenient to use against another not-Romney. Because of her platform at WaPo and her...

Newt Gingrich will be exiting the race next week.  Newt not only will endorse Mitt Romney for President, Newt will pledge to work without rest to defeat Obama. Is there anyone Romney would rather have on his side than Newt? Oh yes, Newt will go there so...

Defeating Barack Obama is a priority. So is keeping the presumptive nominee from etch-a-sketching and erasing the conservative movement. Via Byron York: At a closed-to-the-press Florida fundraiser Sunday night at which his remarks were overheard by some reporters standing outside, Mitt Romney was asked about his media strategy...

This past Saturday marked a change for the now-annual Wisconsin Tax Day Tea Party in Madison, Wisc. While thousands turned out -- an organizer said it was 6,300 --  it wasn't the masses that had showed up in the pouring rain last year to see...

You go to war with the Mitt you have. That's the view of John Hawkins, co-founder of, in a post at his blog Right Wing News: At this late date, at a minimum, I’d still prefer Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Tim Pawlenty, Rich Santorum, Jon Huntsman,...