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Mitch McConnell Tag

Nancy Pelosi, dragging Chuck Schumer along by his collar, caused enormous damage in delaying both the massive $2 trillion relief bill and then the follow up expansion of funding of the Paycheck Protection Program. Remember when the media lost its mind over closure of some national monuments during various Obama-era government shutdowns (which weren't really shutdowns, more scalebacks)? Pelosi has caught none of that hell despite causing millions of workers and thousands of businesses real pain.

We have long covered the substantial and generational shift in the federal judiciary since Trump took office, particularly at the Court of Appeals level. Filling all Court of Appeals vacancies is a top priority, and while the Wuhan coronavirus crisis has stopped much of the economy, it has not stopped the normal functioning of the nomination process, or the activism of Democrats and liberal groups in opposing nominations.

Mitch McConnell isn't the flashiest person on Capitol Hill. To put it mildly. Chuck Schumer regularly beats McConnell to the TV cameras, and Nancy Pelosi makes grand pronouncements as if the Senate and McConnell don't exist.

Mitch McConnell released a resolution to be introduced Tuesday that sets the schedule for the Senate impeachment trial. (Trying not to laugh) The proceedings will start at 1 p.m. each day (to accommodate the Chief Justice's day job schedule), and go for 12 hours. Rinse and repeat. Whoever said Mitch McConnell doesn't have a sense of humor?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wasted no time on the first day back from the holiday break to attack Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Democrats over the impeachment of President Donald Trump:
"We've heard it claimed that the same House Democrats who botched their own process should get to reach over here into the Senate and dictate our process," McConnell said from the Senate floor.