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Mitch McConnell Tag

After the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said the Democrats may wait to send the Senate the Articles of Impeachment to try to exert pressure on the Senate at to impeachment trial rules. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed Pelosi and the Democrats on the floor this morning.

Twitter locked out @Team_Mitch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign account, after it posted pictures of people protesting outside of his home and literally calling for his head. That meant the account could not post new tweets. The social media platform took this action even though it allowed the hashtag #MassacreMitch to trend for days after the shootings in Dayton and El Paso.

Election security is no joke, and it should not be politicized and used as a weapon against political opponents.  And yet.  House Democrats on Thursday sent two "election security" bills to the Senate that they knew Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would not take up and then screamed that McConnell doesn't care about election security.

Democrats can't stand Mitch McConnell. As Senate Majority Leader, he has been far too effective confirming judges and supporting other aspects of Trump's agenda for the left's liking. To the left and media's delight, retired Marine pilot Amy McGrath announced her candidacy to unseat McConnell in 2020. Yes, the same woman who ran unsuccessfully for the 6th Congressional district in 2018.

NBC News released a hit piece on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) on Monday about slave owners in his family history since he stands against reparations. This is not journalism. This is not reporting. NBC News can legitimize (sort of) if the network investigates every senator's family. Something tells me the reporters will not take that action because they will find information about President Barack Obama and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a $4.6 billion emergency spending bill to address the border crisis.  Approval was achieved only after explicit wording was included that prevents diverting any of the monies to the building of the wall.  The bill will move to the Senate next week for a vote.