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President Donald Trump's administration has officially restored sanctions on Iran that went away with the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal. At the same time, SWIFT, a financial messaging service based in Belgium, announced it will suspend "some unspecified Iranian banks’ access to its messaging system in the interest of the stability and integrity of the global financial system," but did not mention the US sanctions.

President Donald Trump's administration has announced that it will reimpose sanctions on Iran that were terminated under the 2015 nuclear deal. A few countries received exemptions. From Fox News:
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced the sanctions on Iran’s shipping, financial and energy sectors. Particularly, the sanctions will target Iran’s crude oil exports and will penalize countries that don’t stop importing oil and foreign companies that do business with certain Iranian entities.

When reporting on the landmines removal from the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas, I noted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on his way for a meeting with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un to discuss denuclearization of the peninsula. It appears the meeting was a success.
The U.S. and North Korea agreed Sunday to hold a second summit between leaders Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un "as soon as possible," according to a statement by South Korea's presidential office, with the American side saying that Kim had also invited inspectors to a key nuclear facility.

While the American press has been singularly focused on Judge Brett Kavanaugh's youth and the specialty cocktails he enjoyed while boofing, there have been intriguing news developments elsewhere. For example, it seems the Korean peninsula peace process is continuing apace, after its start with the Singapore Summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un. Troops from North and South Korea have started removing landmines buried in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between the countries.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that America will terminate the 1955 treaty of amity with Iran after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) used the treaty to force the US to ease some sanctions against Iran. This treaty "regulates and promotes economic and diplomatic ties between the two countries." You can read the full text of it here.

Over the weekend, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned President Donald Trump that "war with Iran is the mother of all wars" and war will happen if the U.S. keeps provoking Iran while Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered his speech "Supporting Iranian Voices" in California. Trump was not in the mood to hear threats from an oppressive dictator and promised Rouhani that if he threatens America again, he will "suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before."

As we near the one-month mark of the famous Singapore peace summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, it's a good time to check on the progress in the various goals set forth in those highly publicized discussion. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is flying to North Korea for a status check on denuclearization and the return of the remains of US servicemen.
In the days since the June summit, U.S. and North Korean officials have struggled to maintain basic communication, North Korea has not returned the remains of U.S. soldiers who went missing during the Korean War as promised, and new satellite imagery has shown North Korea expanding a key missile-manufacturing plant.

This is a subject that has strayed into the background and I'm thankful the Washington Free Beacon reported on it last night. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo testified in front of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) asked him about the attacks:
"That's a very good question," Pompeo told Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) during testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee. "I don't know if they were the same events. It is the case that the medical condition, the single medical condition to date in China is, as the medical folks would say, consistent with what happened in Cuba."

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is never one to mince words and she didn't hold back as America withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council. From CNN:
"Human rights abusers continue to serve on, and be elected to, the council," said Haley, listing US grievances with the body. "The world's most inhumane regimes continue to escape its scrutiny, and the council continues politicizing scapegoating of countries with positive human rights records in an attempt to distract from the abusers in its ranks."

Just because North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un met with President Donald Trump, shook hands, and signed a vague agreement doesn't mean the sanctions against the evil regime will disappear right away. From Reuters:
"President Trump has been incredibly clear about the sequencing of denuclearization and relief from the sanctions," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters after meeting South Korea's president and Japan's foreign minister in Seoul.

Friday, North Korean officials met with President Trump at the White House. After the meeting, Trump announced the previously canceled summit, originally scheduled for June 12 in Singapore, was back on. "We'll be meeting on June 12 in Singapore," said Trump.

Ismail Kowsari, a senior officer in Iran's Revolutionary Guard, lashed out at Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's vow to impose strong sanctions on the regime. From NBC News:
"The people of Iran should stand united in the face of this and they will deliver a strong punch to the mouth of the American secretary of state and anyone who backs them," said Kowsari, according to the Iranian Labour News Agency.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also mocked Pompeo, asking, "Who are you" to make decisions for Iran while a member of parliament insisted the regime shouldn't play into "U.S. radicalism."

Reports indicated "Israeli intelligence uncovered a huge amount of new and dramatic information on the Iranian nuclear program." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a public announcement at 1:00 PM ET to discuss these findings (or as much as can be made public) and indicated he shared the intel with the US. Mossad managed to obtain a half ton of original documents germane to Iran's nuclear program. Incredibly. Documents revealed Monday explain how Iran continued nuclear weapons development using different organizations.

For the debut of his MSNBC show this morning, Hugh Hewitt scored the first news network interview with CIA Director Mike Pompeo. Debunking an assertion made by some, Pompeo said he couldn't "imagine a statement that is anymore false" than the notion that Trump isn't interested in intel. Pompeo stated that he personally meets with Trump for 35-40 minutes virtually every day, that Trump is an "avid consumer" of intel, and asks great questions.