Warning: what you are about to see is...
Mystery mush and other questionable "food" offerings being served to teens at public schools have made their way online, and the results are hilarious (and a little sad.)
Less than impressed by the First Lady's school lunch program, teens are tweeting pictures of their school lunches using the hashtag #ThanksMichelleObama, as
Buzzfeed pointed out.
Health, Hunger-Free Kids Act passed in 2010 and championed by Michelle Obama is responsible for new restrictions on school lunches. Restrictions include limitations on sugar and caloric intake, and also require more veggies.
Last month, the
Washington Examiner reported, "the nation’s school boards are joining in to demand that the Obama administration let them off the hook of serving the costly and tasteless meals." The Examiner also reported the results of a survey that clearly indicated the meals are a not only gross, but a waste of money:
The survey of school leaders revealed:
— 83.7 percent of school districts saw an increase in plate waste.
— 81.8 percent had an increase in cost.
— 76.5 percent saw a decrease in participation by students.
— 75 percent of school leaders want an increase in federal funding for school districts to comply with the new standards.
— 60.3 percent want flexibility for school districts to improve their ability to provide good nutrition without harm to instruction, personnel, and other school district operations.
With that in mind, it's easy to understand why the kids being served these meals weren't too terribly excited about eating their
science experiments Michelle Obama-approved lunches: