Melissa Click | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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I wrote the other day about how Bill Maher was complaining that liberals apologize too much, and I wrote that was not my "lived experience" as someone who lives among liberals, Do liberals really apologize too much? My "lived experience" is more along the lines of Melissa Click. You remember the Social Justice Warrior Mizzou Professor whose rant during a Black Lives Matter protest went viral, particularly when she called for "muscle" to help her remove a student journalist.

Having made a complete laughingstock of herself with her demands for "muscle" to help her remove student journalists filming her on campus, open air BLM protest rally, the world's most famous red-headed professor, Melissa Click, has landed a job at Gonzaga University. KREM2 reports:
A former University of Missouri professor who was fired after video surfaced of her yelling at a student during a protest has a new job at Gonzaga University. Gonzaga hired former MU professor Melissa Click for a one-year, non-tenure track position as a lecturer in Gonzaga's undergraduate Communication Studies Department.
The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Gonzaga University explained the decision to hire Click.

Earlier today I asked Kemberlee if we were all Melissa-Clicked out. She said we were. I disagree. The most famous redheaded muscle prof in the world is the blog post gift that keeps on giving. Slow news day? Click. Scrambling to fill blog post time slot? Click. Want people to click? Click. The latest screaming clickbait (actually, it's double clickbait because if you are seeing this near the top of the homepage, you have to Click a second time to see what the story is about -- see what I did there?):

She's not redheaded, and she didn't demand some "muscle" to help her out. But this American University official (not clear if administrator or Prof., or both) decided to play the role of Melissa Click, threatening to call the police on Washington Examiner reporter Ashe Schow and others who were covering the progressive outrage over the appearance of Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos.
Reason reports, At Milo Yiannopoulos Protest, Prof's Hassling of Journalists Backfires After She Calls Cops:

University of Missouri student Mark Schierbecker was one of the student journalists on the scene when former Mizzou professor Melissa Click famously called for some muscle. Yesterday, he published a story with additional details at the College Fix. It seems Click had a second incident with a student reporter that day, a charge she initially denied. Here's part of Schierbecker's report:
VIDEO: Mizzou’s Melissa Click grabbed another journalist’s camera at racial protest Instructed protesters ‘Do not talk to the press’ The University of Missouri communication professor who was fired this month for her role in fighting with student journalists at a racial protest in November has denied her actions then represented a pattern.

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) serves as a de facto authority on academic freedom, having published the guidelines by which most higher education institutions agree to abide, at least in principle if not legally. AAUP, however, has no legal power to enforce its guidelines. The most it can do is put an institution on a "Censure List," which supposedly impacts the ability to recruit top faculty. I don't know whether it actually has that impact, but that's what's claimed. The University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign (UIUC) was put on AAUP's Censure List after it refused to give a tenured position to controversial hate-tweeting Prof. Seven Salaita. There was a lawsuit by Salaita that was settled for less than the cost of defense without any job. AAUP now is considering whether to remove UIUC from its Censure List. AAUP is jumping to the defense of Melissa Click, the world-famous "muscle prof" who recently was terminated by the University of Missouri after she was caught on video bullying a student journalist and calling for some "muscle" from the crowd to deal with him.

Melissa Click, the Missouri professor who famously advocated for "using muscle" against student journalists at a campus protest has lost her termination appeal. Following the encounter that was captured on tape, Click was charged with third-degree assault and suspended with pay before being canned. The Wall Street Journal reports:
The board of curators said the appeal, which Melissa Click filed shortly after her Feb. 24 firing, “brought no new relevant information.” Ms. Click’s job paid $58,000, and she was up for tenure this year.

The University of Missouri canned the professor captured on video confronting student journalists during a protest last year, the Washington Post reported. According to the Columbia Daily Tribune:
Assistant Professor Melissa Click, captured on video calling for “some muscle” to remove reporters from a campus protest site, was fired Wednesday by the University of Missouri Board of Curators, Chairwoman Pam Henrickson said in a prepared statement. The board voted 4-2 in favor of termination during a closed session in Kansas City, with Henrickson and curator John Phillips opposing the move, UM System spokesman John Fougere wrote in an email Thursday. Curators David Steelman, Donald Cupps, Maurice Graham and Phil Snowden voted in favor of firing Click.

You remember Mizzou Prof. Melissa Click, don't you? She's the world's most famous red-headed social warrior professor who gained internet fame for seeking "some muscle" to keep a student journalist away from a Black Lives Matter protest. Click claimed this was an aberration and that she's not really the wacko she appears to be on the video. The Columbian Missourian reports on the consequences, or lack thereof:
She acknowledged that ordering Schierbecker away from inside a human wall around the camp and calling for “some muscle” was poor judgment.
But Click, who also had joined student protesters during MU's Homecoming parade, didn't rule out protesting with them again; nor did she rule out filing a lawsuit against the UM System Board of Curators, MU or Schierbecker. She said she would not join students in protest if she felt it would endanger others or disrupt an event.

University of Missouri professor Melissa Click who famously called for "some muscle" to remove a student journalist from a campus protest was charged with assault on Monday and has now been suspended. Reuters reports:
Missouri suspends professor who called for 'muscle' against student reporter A University of Missouri communications professor who called for "some muscle" to get a student journalist to back off during campus protests in November, was suspended by the school on Wednesday, days after she was charged with misdemeanor assault. The university's board of curators said Melissa Click was suspended with pay pending further investigation and it ordered an investigation to determine promptly whether additional discipline would be appropriate.

Professor Click, Missouri Communication Professor, has been charged with class C assault for her actions during campus protests last year, according to local news. Click appears to swat a reporter wanting to interview her during a student protest last year: